Thursday 23rd January – UNITE Mass picket Veolia Lumley St Depot 05.30hrs onwards outside Veolia Lumley St depot. UNITE members are on strike for union recognition. Postponed: Thursday 23rd January China and Sustainability MS public meeting 7–9pm Central United Reformed Church, Norfolk Street Speaker Carlos Martinez on China and the Environment Discussion. Organised by …
Wednesday 16th October “Anti-semitism, Anti-Racism and the Struggle for Palestine” 7pm Central United Reform Church, Norfolk Street S1 2JB Organised by Sheffield Jews Against Israeli Apartheid. A discussion with David Feldman, director of the Birkbeck Institute for the study of Anti-Semitism. David Feldman is one of the authors of the Jerusalem Declaration on Anti-Semitism which was …
Friday 30th August “END THE GENOCIDE!” -RAILWAY STATION RALLY 5pm outside Sheffield Station. Please join us for this regular protest in solidarity with Palestinians facing genocide in Gaza. Organised by Sheffield Palestine Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid Also Friday 6th September – a regular event Saturday 31st August Boycott Barclays Bank Join our protest 10-11am Barclays Bank …
STUC city wide election hustings on Weds 26th June, 7pm at Central United Reform Church. Sheffield TUC has produced this leaflet outlining the priorities for trade unionists in the forthcoming election. We need to keep these important issues high up on the election agenda. Our Election Hustings meeting is open to all and will allow you the chance to question …
Saturday 15th June Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign Annual Rally 1pm assemble outside City Hall, S1 2JA MINERS’ STRIKE 40th ANNIVERSARY – SUPPORT US IN OUR CAMPAIGN FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE – SUPPORT OUR CALL FOR AN ORGREAVE INQUIRY Please come along and support the Annual Orgreave Rally organised by the Orgreave Truth and Justice …
Sunday 14th April Sheffield Half Marathon: this Sunday This weekend 11 people are “Running for Palestine”, and raising money, in the Sheffield Half Marathon on Sunday 7th April. We are hoping people will come out with their Palestine flags and show their support along the route. There are a couple of suggested places to gather …
Thursday 14th March “REBUILDING THE NHS” public Meeting 7pm Central United Reform Church, 60 Norfolk St, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 2JB or Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 843 2055 3826 Passcode: 273959How do we rebuild our NHS, attract and retain the staff, rebuild morale, cut the waiting list, increase bed capacity, solve ambulance waiting times, …
Friday 1st March ASLEF picket line Cross Turner Street 0600hrsto 1600hrs. Please drop by to show your support. Sheffield ASLEF drivers are on strike at Northern Rail over management breaking agreements and mistreating drivers. This is not about pay – that is a separate dispute that is ongoing – but about management’s attitude towards ASLEF …
THIS IS NOT ABOUT PAY – IT’S ABOUT MANAGEMENT! *** Northern and LNER drivers to strike Friday 1st March ***** ASLEF picket line Cross Turner Street 0600hrs to 1600hrs “Sheffield TUC supports Sheffield ASLEF train drivers at Northern on strike tomorrow to protect their agreements and put an end to management bullying” said Sam Morecroft, …
Monday 19th February Documentaries from Latin America Doors open 5.30pm Alborada Films @ Theatre Deli Arley Street Sheffield S2 4QP brought to you by Chile50YearsUK. Exciting double bill showing of the great documentaries; 1815hrs Fragments of a Dream and 1935hrs The People’s Train of Culture. Exploring the relationship between politics and culture, this is the …