Category «Events»

Diary of Events April May June 2023 updated

Friday 21st April – UK Media Coverage of Latin America: a critical look 6.30-8pm (doors open at 6pm) @ The University of Sheffield, Lecture Theatre 2 (A02), The Diamond, 32 Leavygreave Road, Sheffield, S3 7RD (FREE ENTRY) How has the British and other English-language mainstream media reported on political developments in Latin America? Our panel take a …

Diary of Events April May June 2023

Saturday 15th April     Student protest against Spies on Students 12PM, Saturday 15th April, the concourse outside University of Sheffield Students Union The University of Sheffield has hired private investigators to spy on student activists. We are calling a protest to protect freedom of speech and the right to protest on campus. The Festival of Debate …

Sheffield TUC strike rally and demo tomorrow Thursday 16th March

Assemble Devonshire Green 12 noon Bring your banners and placards! Speakers to include NEU  South Yorkshire, FBU, UCU zero hours, Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise, Palestine etc plus Sheffield Street band    N.B. Stewards wanted! Can you volunteer to help steward the march? Hi Viz provided. please meet Bob Jeffery at 1210 hrs for a briefing   March …

Sheffield March and Rally to Support the Strikes

SUPPORT THE STRIKES – FAIR PAY NOW – DON’T MAKE WORKERS PAY –THE COST OF LIVING  CRISIS IS NOT OUR FAULT Sheffield TUC and NEU have joined forces to organise this rally and demonstration on THURSDAY 16TH MARCH 2023 Assemble 12 noon Devonshire Green Demonstration sets off 1230hrs Rally at Barkers Pool 1pm event ends 1345hrs …

Diary of Events February March 2023

Saturday 18th February  “ACT NOW TO SAVE OUR NHS” 12noon outside Moor Market. Stall and cake give away. Please bring cakes and yourselves to hand out flyers and talk to the public about the National Demonstration on March 11th. All welcome. Last time we had 100’s visit the stall and had huge support to Save …

Sheffield TUC says: We don’t accept there is no money to pay the workers a cost of living increase

So the Government says that inflation-linked pay rises for nurses and other public sector workers cannot be afforded. Is that because Liz Truss’ Government lost £30B when she wrecked the economy? Or is it because Boris Johnson wasted £37B on a Test and Trace system that didn’t work? And over £8B on dodgy PPE contracts to their mates which either …

Strike update and solidarity support

From tomorrow Thursday 24th November a new wave of strike action is taking place. Please see strike dates and picket line info on poster (below and attached). Sheffield TUC is committed to maximising support for workers who are on strike faced with rocketing price inflation (RPI 14%) that is not of our making. In many cases the strikes are …

Diary of Events November -December 2022

Wednesday 9th November Launch event for Community Action magazine 6pm -8pm, in the Diamond building at the Uni of Sheffield. (Martin Mayer Secretary Sheffield TUC is on the panel) “A launch for an online archive we’ve been creating (and will shortly finish!) for Community Action magazine. Published from 1972-1990 the magazine documents a range of …