7pm Tuesday 22nd February 2022
To be held via Zoom only conferencing
Topic: STUC AGM Time: Feb 22, 2022 07:00 PM London https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82932336922
Meeting ID: 829 3233 6922
As required in the Rules, notice is hereby given of the Sheffield TUC AGM as follows:
- 7pm prompt: Welcome by the President, Bob Jeffery
- Speakers: Jesse Palmer new SNAP union organiser and Gareth Lane BFAWU “Union Towns
- Minutes of 164th AGM held 23rd February 2021 (minutes attached)
- True Record
- Matters arising
- Sheffield TUC Annual Report 2021 (Sheffield TUC Annual Report 2022) supplemented by Officers’ reports:
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Election of Officers*President; Secretary: Treasurer; 2 Vice Chairs
- Election of Executive Committee* 14 places + 2 seats reserved for women
*nominations must be from affiliated branches and received at least 24 hrs beforehand
- Conclusion of AGM (N.B. a shortened monthly delegate meeting will follow immediately after the conclusion of AGM)
N.B. Only accredited Sheffield TUC Delegates can vote at this meeting