7pm Tuesday 22nd February 2022

To be held via Zoom only conferencing

Topic: STUC AGM Time: Feb 22, 2022 07:00 PM London

Meeting ID: 829 3233 6922

As required in the Rules, notice is hereby given of the Sheffield TUC AGM as follows:

  1. 7pm prompt: Welcome by the President, Bob Jeffery
  2. Speakers: Jesse Palmer new SNAP union organiser and Gareth Lane BFAWU “Union Towns
  3. Minutes of 164th AGM held 23rd February 2021 (minutes attached)
    1. True Record
    2. Matters arising
  4. Sheffield TUC Annual Report 2021 (Sheffield TUC Annual Report 2022) supplemented by Officers’ reports:
    1. President
    2. Secretary
    3. Treasurer
  5. Election of Officers*President; Secretary: Treasurer; 2 Vice Chairs
  6. Election of Executive Committee* 14 places + 2 seats reserved for women

*nominations must be from affiliated branches and received at least 24 hrs beforehand

  1. Conclusion of AGM (N.B. a shortened monthly delegate meeting will follow immediately after the conclusion of AGM)


N.B. Only accredited Sheffield TUC Delegates can vote at this meeting