Zoom meeting Monday 18th May Rebuilding the Red Wall – Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise

Did you miss our fantastic zoom meeting o Monday 18th May with John mcDonnell MP, Ian lavery MP and our great new Sheffield Union Organiser Rohan Kon? Well you can see it here all over again as it was recorded!

Unfortunately the zoom meeting was restricted to just 100 participants – but nearly 300 people tried to join! Many apologies to all those who tried but couldn’t access the meeting

You can see a recording by clicking this link https://www.facebook.com/SheffPayRise/videos/939631916457099/

We want other Trades Councils to follow our lead and take action to fight back on low pay, zero hours contracts and other forms of modern day exploitation. Why not see if your Trades Council will agree to raise funds to take on a Union Organiser for your town or city? If it’s too much on your own, have you thought about linking up with neighbouring Trades Councils and/or your County Association?