Yorkshire and the Humber TUC Young Workers’ Event, Pay Politics and Pressure.

Yorkshire and the Humber TUC Young Workers’ Event, Pay Politics and Pressure.

Saturday 29 November 2014 Domino Hall, Sheffield Cathedral, Church Street, Sheffield S1 1HA  10.am – 1.30pm (see flyers attached)

Speakers: Colin Burgon (former MP and lifelong TU activist)

Ian Pattison: (participant in $15 an hour victory in Seattle, USA)

Ian Hodson: (BFAWU President)

The event is free of charge and we would welcome as many young people as possible who can join us to discuss these issues: the event will explain the attacks on people’s wages and show how trade unions and campaigning can change them.

Distribute this as widely as possible across your young people’s networks

Confirmation of places along with a map will be sent out as soon as the application forms are received, but if you need any further information in the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Chris Beastall  Yorkshire & the Humber TUC 33 Park Place Leeds  LS1 2RY 

T: 0113 242 9696

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