Tuesday 9th March Sheffield TUC CV19 Council of Action Meeting 7pm to 8.30pm

Sheffield TUC invites you to join us TONIGHT on Tuesday 9th March for speakers, discussion and plans for action. Chair Maxine Bowler STUC Vice President

Maxine Bowler is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Sheffield TUC Covid 19 council of Action

Time: Mar 9, 2021 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 882 0837 9435  Passcode: 050366

We shall be discussing The Government’s COVID “roadmap”/Rishi Sunak’s Budget / 1% pay offer – we have speaker from NHS / People before profit/ GMB British gas striker and vaccine nationalism.

Workers fighting back – the new threat is Fire and Rehire. Speaker: Jamie Uttley GMB striking Gas Engineer

Message from Neil Derrick GMB Regional Secretary; “Our members have overwhelmingly rejected the latest offer from BG and will now recommence a further 20 days of action.” Donations can be made by transfer; GMB A/C 33010290     sort code 60-83-01

See also this link about a similar fire and rehire dispute with UNITE members at Go North West Manchester: https://strikemap.wordpress.com/2021/03/01/trouble-on-the-buses/

1% is not enough – NHS workers need our support to pay for a decent pay rise.

Speaker: Jons Pons le Plana, Sheffield nurse will speak about the anger and plight of frontline NHS staff who have fought so hard to keep us safe during the pandemic but are being sacrificed on the altar of austerity by this Tory Government.

People Before Profit – we need to transform our economy and make it work for us!

Speaker: Chris Denson See:  http://peoplebefore-profit.com/demands/

  • Extend the furlough scheme – defend jobs
  • Tax the wealthy – don’t make workers’ pay for the crisis
  • Public ownership of services and end outsourcing
  • For an immediate massive programme of green investment
  • A welfare system that provides real social security and dignity


Vaccine nationalism – we need international solidarity more than ever   Speaker: John Smith, left author and political activist. Nationalism, fear of immigration and selfishness is leading to fierce competition to secure vaccine supplies and pander to right wing interests at home. Britain’s slashing of the UK aid budget come just at a time when we- the 5th wealthiest country in the world -should be leading the battle to vaccinate the world.

Rishi Sunak’s 3rd March Budget was the harshest right-wing budget yet Speaker; Martin Mayer Secretary Sheffield TUC

For all its slick presentation this was a hard austerity budget, offering only 1% to NHS staff and freezing pay for other public sector workers, and disguising a further £4B hit to our public services. There’s no new money for our overstretched NHS, the Care Sector, Education, Local Authorities or the Fire Service. Whilst he bowed to pressure not to cut the £20 uplift to Universal Credit, it will go in September. There’s to be no public investment in desperately needed council homes, green energy, public transport, insulation or digital technology. Instead we must rely on a fantasy free-enterprise bonanza of investment, massively subsidised by the public purse with an eye-watering 130% offset on taxable profits. We know we cannot rely on the private sector to invest to combat climate change yet we have no plan for direct Government investment in the green revolution we desperately need.


JOIN US! This is a public meeting and we welcome your participation.