Post-election rally tonight 5.30pm outside Sheffield Town Hall
(Bring your union banners)
Sheffield Trade Union Council welcomes the election result which ends the Tory majority and marks a massive personal defeat for Theresa May. “This is a resounding defeat for the failed and destructive policies of austerity” said Martin Mayer Secretary Sheffield TUC “and a tremendous advance for Jeremy Corbyn’s vision of a better, fairer Britain under Labour”
Sheffield TUC supported Labour during the election and held a number of activities including a major campaigning event on the Moor on Saturday 3rd June with stalls and speakers under the theme “Sheffield Trade Unions support Labour’s Manifesto”. Activists distributed Sheffield TUC’s punchy leaflet pointing out why working class families should be supporting Labour. See flyer here:Sheffield Trades Council GE 2017 leaflet
To reflect on the result and build for an eventual Labour Government under Jeremy Corbyn, Sheffield TUC is calling on supporters to join us for a post-election rally outside the Town Hall at 5.30pm this evening.