Sheffield TUC is proud to support the parents’ movement #BoycottSchoolsReopeningInJune – unless it’s safe to do so. They have played a hugely important role in pushing back the Government’s reckless efforts to reopen primary schools on 1st June, always challenging the science and demanding that schools stay closed till it’s safe for the children.
Whilst the NEU led the campaign to stop reopening the schools with their 5 Tests, the parents boycott campaign added a powerful message of support and helped give mums and dads a voice – and the confidence to challenge the drive back to school and keep their children at home
The parents’ campaign has been very effective in using social media both to keep in touch locally and nationally and to spread their message. The use of visual imagery such as the pictures of children’s shoes accompanied by the slogan “Not M y Child” is very powerful.In particular, we salute the hard work of Jennifer Jones who has been an inspiring campaigner, helping build the parents movement here in Sheffield and nationally. A great example of trade unions and the community working together for the benefit of all.
See here for more information about the campaign : Information on the Parents Movement
Martin Mayer, Secretary
Bob Jeffery President
13th June 2020