2nd week of all-out strike across S. Yorks is solid

UNITE Drivers reject latest “improved??” offer by 95% 

Sheffield TUC is calling on Stagecoach management to “stop playing games” and put a realistic pay offer on the table to settle this dispute. “How dare Stagecoach claim they have offered 9% when last week’s offer was barely changed from the first offer and still represents a below inflation rise for these low paid drivers!” said Martin Mayer Secretary Sheffield TUC.

“When bus passengers and the Sheffield public found out that our Stagecoach drivers are the lowest paid Stagecoach drivers in the country, support for the strike grew and grew,” said Martin Mayer. “Many were shocked to find out the Sheffield hourly rate is only £10.52 per hour and even the latest paltry offer would not get them to £11.00 per hour. Even the National Minimum Wage will be nearly £10 per hour from next April!”

FACT: Sheffield Stagecoach drivers had NO PAY RISE in the whole of 2020. They have had below-inflation pay rises for the preceding years meaning their pay has declined in real value so that now they are lowest paid bus drivers in our region!

FACT: They have been offered only a lump sum to cover the missed 2020 pay settlement – which puts nothing on actual the rate of pay

FACT: Sheffield Stagecoach drivers have been offered less than 3% backdated to 2021 anniversary date which was 1st May which is below inflation

FACT: the additional rise offered from November 2021 still doesn’t take them to £11 per hour

FACT: First and Arriva are paying their drivers well above £11 and in some depots £12 – £13 per hour

“The strike is rock solid and the latest pay offer was massively rejected which shows the drivers are determined to hold out for as long as it takes to get the pay rise they deserve,” said Martin Mayer. “Their union UNITE has demonstrated 100% support for their members and will pay full strike pay indefinitely if need be.”

“Bus drivers should be on at least £15 per hour,” said Martin Mayer. “Pay and conditions for bus workers have been on a steady decline ever since privatisation and regulation of our buses started in 1986. Drivers have seen their rates of pay eroded, sick pay cut back, hours lengthened, non-driving time cut and pensions wrecked. The private companies have sought to make profit by putting up fares and cutting their labour costs, whilst at the same time reducing the quality and frequency of our bus services. It’s time to bring the buses back under public ownership and control, put drivers on proper and decent terms and conditions and get back to providing a quality service for the benefit of the public not private shareholders” he concluded.



Sheffield TUC says all workers should join a union, especially workers on low pay. Our Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise campaign is there to help. Low pay not only means workers cannot live to an acceptable standard, it makes our working-class communities poorer and is bad for the local economy. For Sheffield to prosper we have to end low pay now!