Sheffield TUC CV19 Action Committee Tuesday 3rd August

Britain is opening up fast – too fast? We have one of the highest death rates per head of population and the DELTA variant is spreading. Other nations are watching events in the UK unfold with some alarm. Most health workers, transport workers and those in retail want to keep at least some restrictions in place. But the vaccination rate here is very good and many people want things to get back to normal so what’s the risk? And what should be the trade unions’ response?
  • Prof Susan Michie, Indie Sage,
  • Jack Czauderna, Sheffield Community Contact Tracers
  • NEU speaker to be confirmed
Plus plenty of time for comment and debate
also: Holly Johnston “Nurses Say NO! to 3%” on the fightback on NHS pay. Nurses and other NHS staff have seen 10 years of wage freezes and below inflation increase. Even 15% would not fully restore what they’ve lost
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Passcode: 791298
Meeting ID: 833 5485 0991
Passcode: 791298
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