Sheffield TUC coach to the TUC’s We Deserve Better national demonstration on Saturday 18th June

Your invitation to the TUC’s We Deserve Better national demonstration on  Saturday 18 June

Sheffield TUC has hired a 53-seater air conditioned coach with toilet to take us to London for this big London demo which is supported by all the trade unions and the TUC.

Please book your place on the coach now!

Coach departs Paternoster Way 8am prompt. Assemble Portland Place from 11am. Rally Parliament Square 1pm. Coach returns 3.30pm/4pm

tel or text: Carrie on 07531079268 to book your seat(s)

then please pay by bacs to secure your booking. Account name: Sheffield Trade Union Council  Account no: 59109499 Sort code: 60-83-01 ref: coach 18/06

Seat prices/pay as you can afford:

Unwaged/low waged £5, £7 or £10   Waged £15, £17 or £20

Please email to confirm booking/payment and receive receipt/ticket

N.B. We have decided not to use eventbrite because of the extra charges!

Appeal to union branches. It costs £1200 to hire the coach and we cannot expect to recover this from ticket sales alone. Can your branch make a donation to help cover costs? Thank you.

Sheffield Demands Better: Town hall meeting
Monday, 30 May 2022 at 7:00 PM BST
Church St, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 1HA, UK

Why we are marching on 18 June?

We are marching because….

Working people have had enough. Everything’s going up but our wages.

Ministers partied while people died. Now they do nothing while living standards plummet and P&O lays off hundreds of workers on the spot.

It’s time for a new deal for working people. We need help with energy bills and a real pay rise for every worker.

Let’s take matters into our own hands – and get out on the streets.

On 18 June, in London, let’s tell this government: we DEMAND better.

We demand…

  • A real pay rise for every worker – and a real living wage for all
  • Respect and security for all workers – ban zero hours contracts, ban fire and rehire, decent sick pay now
  • End racism at work
  • Tax energy profits to pay our bills
  • Raise universal credit
  • Boost union bargaining rights now

And more than that: we demand a government that listens and acts to support working people.

Join us in London on 18 June

Bring your banners, your placards and signs.

Bring your workmates, your family and friends.

Invite local community organisations, foodbanks and allies

Let’s make some noise, get out on the streets and start the push back: WE DEMAND BETTER.

Make a plan to come to London on 18 June

Sign up for more info Find a coach near you

For any further information please contact