Sheffield Stop and Scrap Universal Credit campaign met on Wednesday 29th January – our first meeting after the general election. The election defeat on 12th December means Universal Credit is here to stay – for now…
The campaign to Stop and Scrap Universal Credit must continue!
Food bank use is continuing to rise and extreme levels of poverty and deprivation in 21st century Britain look like getting worse. What’s more, roll out of UC to those in work is likely to happen this summer – many more low wage earners on family tax credits are about to get an unpleasant wake-up call!
The campaign to Stop and Scrap Universal Credit must continue!
Can you help at one of our community stalls this month, giving out leaflets, talking to local residents, collecting signatures etc?
· Community Stall at Firth Park 11am till 1pm Wednesday 5th February (corner of Sicey Avenue and Bellhouse Road)
· Community Stall at Manor Top 11am till 1pm Wednesday 19th February ( outside shops top of City Road)
Can you or your trade union branch/Labour Party branch/other organisation get involved in our campaign?
Our next meeting is at 1230hrs till 2pm on Wednesday 26th February at United Reform Church, Norfolk Street (room upstairs)
Thank you to all those who have donated to the campaign fund. This has enabled us to pay for leaflets, stickers and other publicity etc. Fund statement is available on request. We currently have £261.65p in the bank, but have just ordered a new batch of leaflets. If your organisation can make a donation please either:
pay by bacs:Account name: Sheffield Trade Union Council account no: 59109499 sort code: 60-83-01 (but please confirm by email to
OR send a cheque made out to Sheffield Trade Union Council (mark on the back Stop and Scrap) and post to Martin Mayer, Sheffield Stop and Scrap, Sheffield TUC c/o Trades and Labour Club, 200 Duke Street, Sheffield S2 5QQ
If there is enough opposition and we shout loud enough, we can force the Government to Stop and Scrap Universal Credit
The campaign to Stop and Scrap Universal Credit must continue!