March and Rally in Sheffield City Centre
Saturday 17th December 2016
Assemble 12 noon Devonshire Green
Speeches then short march to Barkers Pool
1pm Rally and Speakers from City Hall steps
snap-campaign-leaflet-general (click for General flyer about the campaign)
snap-demo-17th-december (click for flyer re 17th Dec march and rally in Sheffield City Centre)
“Christmas is coming – the boss is getting fat
Workers need a pay rise – £10 flat!”
It’s the last Saturday before Christmas so spare a thought for underpaid shop workers in Sheffield City Centre. Sheffield TUC’s new “Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise” Campaign is holding this first city centre demonstration and rally in support of Sheffield’s low paid workers, with a focus on shop workers at Christmas:
- Not a single city centre store pays its workers the Living Wage £8.25p per hour (set by Living Wage Foundation)
- The Tories’ so-called National Living Wage (£7.20p per hour) is the new Minimum Wage – but only to those over 25 years old. Those aged 18 to 20 only get £5.55p per hour!
- The TUC says all workers need a minimum of £10 per hour to survive
- Bosses can afford it – they just don’t want to pay it!
- Workers need a trade union. Sheffield TUC is here to help…
Please spare an hour or two to join us on this march and rally…to show you care about low paid workers who desperately
need a pay rise!
Calling union branches! Tell your members to come on the march and show your support. Bring your banners!
We welcome support from Labour Party branches and all other organisations who support Sheffield TUC’s “Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise” campaign
We welcome especially all underpaid workers who need our campaign to help them get a pay rise.
“Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise” Campaign is aimed at all workers, not just those on the minimum wage. Most workers have seen their pay packets fall in real terms since the Crash – and working families are worse off across the city. Sheffield TUC is supporting workers forming a trade union and taking action to fight for a pay rise.
For many workers it’s not just low pay:
- Zero hours contracts mean you never know how many hours work you’ll get a week
- Bogus self-employment means you take on all the risks – and get no holiday pay or sick pay
- Bullying bosses who make unreasonable demands – and threaten you with the sack if you don’t comply
All this can change if you join a trade union. When workers join together to make demands, anything is possible.
“Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise” Campaign says
all workers should be on
a minimum of £10 per hour to survive