Saturday 7th December General Election market stall event

Please see our fantastic General Election leaflet attached: “Why Trades Unions Support Labour’s Manifesto”. It’s a double sided A5 flyer in colour that is packed with information about what’s in Labour’s brilliant manifesto. We have to get the message out – that’s why we will be leafleting the public in town on Saturday. Meet up outside the Town Hall at 11 am on Saturday 7th December -see below for details. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – COME AND JOIN US!

Download our leaflet here: Trades Council GE leaflet 2019

Please DO CIRCULATE this flyer freely to your contacts – and download it if you wish.

Please contact us if you can distribute some to your workplace/union members.

The polls are narrowing and we predict will narrow further as we approach polling day. More information about the manifesto to more people could make the difference on 12th December. Come and join us!

Saturday 7th December General Election market stall event

11pm till 1pm outside Town Hall. Organised by Sheffield TUC in conjunction with Sheffield Peoples Assembly. Other campaigns also to be invited. Sheffield TUC will be handing out our General Election leaflet highlighting main points from Labour Manifesto. Other campaigns invited e.g. Stop and Scrap Universal Credit, Sheffield Save Our NHS etc.

Volunteers needed

Meet 11 am outside Town Hall. If there are enough of us we may send some to the Moor. We can’t do this without your help. Meet the public and explain the Manifesto in Sheffield City centre on the last Saturday before the election.

What’s the plan?

Sheffield TUC is having 2000 leaflets printed “Why Trade Unions support Labour’s Manifesto”. 2-sided colour A5 packed with information in bullet points about what’s in Labour’s manifesto 2019

We are inviting other campaigns who might want to join us on a similar approach – e.g Peoples Assembly, Stop and Scrap Universal Credit, Save Our NHS etc If you want your campaign to participate please let us know on

Our 2017 leaflet worked well

We produced a similar leaflet for the 2017 general election and distributed them on The Moor. Many people said it was effective as it synthesised lots of the manifesto into one small leaflet. The leaflet we have prepared this time is similar but updated to reflect the 2019 manifesto