Rishi Sunak’s announcements won’t stop A TSUNAMI OF JOB LOSSES say Trade Unions

Sheffield TUC CV-19 Council of Action




Tuesday 9th July 2020

Rishi Sunak’s announcements won’t stop A TSUNAMI OF JOB LOSSES say Trade Unions


Furlough should be extended especially for sectors like Arts and Culture, Sports Gyms and Entertainment etc. which are not allowed to reopen yet


The £1000 furlough “head bonus” for employers who bring back workers won’t stop job losses


Money would have been better spent on local Public Health testing and tracing to crush the virus


Instead of tax cuts and other sweeteners for employers, we desperately need more cash pumped into welfare and public services


Trade Unions have told Council of Action of a “tsunami of job losses” about to hit the Sheffield City region as employers plan redundancies as furlough runs out. “The economy is not back up and running, yet the Tories are pulling the rug from under workers’ feet and abandoning otherwise enviable businesses,” says Martin Mayer Secretary Sheffield TUC. “This is particularly true of those sectors of the economy that aren’t even allowed to reopen their business yet.”

The arts and culture sector for instance brings in millions of pounds into the wider economy and desperately needs a lifeline until venues are allowed to reopen. The same is true for gyms, sports facilities, children’s entertainment and recreation enterprises etc. which might go under as a result.

The £1000 “head bonus” to employers for each furloughed worker brought back to work might sound good but does it make sense? Martin Mayer thinks not. “Many employers are bringing some or all of their workers back anyway so why pay them to do it? Meanwhile £1000 is hardly enough to change an employer’s mind who is making workers redundant.” The money should have been spent on local Public Health testing and tracing to crush the COVID 19 as other countries have done who have got on top of the virus. “Businesses will reopen if we crush COVID -19 and it’s safe again to mix outside.”

We welcome the new money to create green jobs such as insulating grants but much more needs to be done to rebuild the economy and generate jobs and sustainable growth to combat climate change. Money needs to be put into renewable energy, refitting and re-equipping carbon polluting industries, massively expanding public transport and building much needed new council homes that are zero emission.

Instead many more workers will end up unemployed and struggling to survive on the paltry handouts of Universal Credit. “At the very least they should properly fund our failed welfare benefit system which is driving families into grinding poverty. Throwing people out of work on a massive scale and leaving them with no money to spend is nothing short of disaster for the economy,” said Martin Mayer. “And that means all of us will suffer the pain





 Note for editors

Sheffield Trade Union Council has led a call for trades unions, health professionals, campaign groups and others to come together in collaboration to form the Sheffield TUC CV-19 Council of Action.

For comment/interview would editors please initially contact:

  • Martin Mayer, Secretary Sheffield Trades Council on 07761078482
  • Bob Jeffery President Sheffield Trades Council on 07714 760672

We can provide contact details for others for specialist comment e.g. health professionals, emergency services, schools etc.

A Facebook page has been launched: Sheffield TUC CV-19 Council of Action.

A comprehensive statement of our aims and a list of demands has been drawn up

We shall be issuing frequent press statements with comment and analysis and launching social media campaigns on key issues

Our top demand is TEST TEST TEST! And then trace, isolate and treat. This is the only proven way to get on top of the virus and protect our communities

The Countries that have successfully crushed the virus have all practised COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBOURHOOD TESTING AND TRACING, CONTACTING AND ISOLATION. It’s time we did the same – and fund our local Public Health Departments to do it.
