“People and Planet before Profit”

Sheffield Trade Unionists and Climate Campaigners join forces  

Speakers, questions and debate

10.30 till 2.30 St Mary’s Community Centre Bramall Lane Sheffield S2

Saturday 23rd July 


The Climate and Cost of Living crises are linked and there are joint solutions!


“We don’t want Tory Tax Cuts – We need Public Investment now!”

Sheffield trade unionists and climate campaigners will be joining forces tomorrow Saturday 23rd July for a really important summit; how do we combat climate change AND the cost-of-living crisis? How can trade unions and climate campaigners work together for common solutions?

“Climate change is a reality and trade unionists are now taking it seriously” said Martin Mayer, Secretary Sheffield Trade Union Council. “We’ve just seen an exceptional heatwave which was horrendous for workers to work in. For the FBU and the emergency service workers there was extra pressure and danger to life.”

“We need to change the whole way our economy works – and stop burning fossil fuels as quickly as possible,” Martin Mayer said. “The last thing we need is Tory tax cuts and another wave of austerity. What we really need is public investment to fast track us towards a carbon free economy and create good new green jobs.”

Many of the solutions to the climate crisis will help to solve the cost-of-living crisis e.g. by using cheaper green energy instead of oil and gas, building new zero-emission council homes at not-for-profit rent, a massive home insulation programme to reduce soaring utility bills – and much more!

“And climate campaigners are also now

understanding the need to support workers striking for proper cost of living increases. So it’s a great alliance we are forging tomorrow!” said Martin Mayer.

N.B. Registration via EventBrite may have now closed but do just turn up tomorrow – this is open to the public and you don’t have to be an expert to join us!!