Sheffield TUC is responding to calls from across our communities for an urgent protest against the Tory Government’s shocking Nationalities and Borders Bill which is currently progressing through Parliament.We have therefore linked up with Sheffield Stand Up to Racism together with local Labour Parties and others to call this protest rally next Saturday.
It is very apparent that Clause 9 in the Bill is striking real fear across our black, Asian and ethnic minority communities because it gives the state the power to withdraw your British nationality status. This is no longer just about immigration – this is now seen as a real threat to whole communities living here in the UK. Please support and bring your banners!
Please see message from Sheffield STUtR:
This new legislation will in effect criminalise anyone trying to get into the UK as a refugee or asylum seeker, closing our borders to those most in need, and probably causing more people to make the dangerous crossing by sea. Why? Because there will be no legal routes for entry to the UK! It is all about creating “Fortress Britain” – an extension of the Tories’ “Hostile Environment” policy towards anyone who is poor, non-white and fleeing from war, famine or economic and ecological disaster. It doesn’t have to be this way. Do we want to be a mean, xenophobic country, turning our backs on those in need of our help? Are we going to allow this Government to divert attention away from their disastrous policies as they play the racist card of blaming the immigrants for all our problems? Sheffield TUC says NO – and we want to link up with all those who are shocked and disgusted by the direction this authoritarian Government is taking us in….
A message from Sheffield Stand Up to Racism:
Dear all
Working with the Sheffield Trades Council and concerned members from the Black and Asian Communities in Sheffield a protest has been called next Saturday 18th December at 12 noon at Sheffield Town Hall.
This week Parliament has been debating “the anti-refugee bill” the Nationalities and Borders Bill. This is a fundamental attack on the right to claim asylum but also Section 9 exempts the government from giving notice of decisions to deprive people of their Citizenship- leaving people in a vulnerable and precarious state.
Just like the Windrush scandal – this is a racist divisive piece of legislation and must be opposed.
Just like the Windrush scandal – this is a racist divisive piece of legislation and must be opposed.
Facebook event events/626830958765786
Please come along share and spread the word
Maxine Bowler and Sahail Chohan