I Love Unions! Other actions in Sheffield

On Wednesday 14th February activists protested outside Premier Inn on Angel Street in Sheffield City Centre. Premier Inns is a UNITE organising target and featured in a Dispatches TV programme on Monday highlighting bullying and bad working practices. Premier Inn workers often are forced to work extra hours – even double shifts – and complain  of bullying tactics by management. There is a definite anti-union culture at Premier Inn. Sheffield TUC and Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise were pleased to link up with UNITE during I ♥ Unions Week


On Saturday 17th February we held a noisy protest outside MacDonald’s on Sheffield High Street again with the Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise banner. It was great to see so many volunteers join us to hand out leaflets. MacDonald’s is a target of the TUC I ♥ Unions Week because it refuses to recognise the Bakers Union (BFAWU). Most of its workers are on zero hours contracts and the bare minimum wage. Health and safety is an issue with many burns from dripping fat in the kitchen. Workers report bullying management and feel threatened if they even talk about joining a union. This is unacceptable in modern Britain – but actually all too common. We say “Join a Union – and start fighting back!”. And we told MacDonald’s to “Pay your workers not your shareholders!”