International Workers Memorial Day Wednesday 28th April 2021

“Remember the Dead – Fight for the Living”

 Please see below a photographic record of the wreath laying ceremony at 11am outside Sheffield Town Hall and a video recording of our Zoom meeting with speakers at 1230hrs

1100hrs Wreath-laying Ceremony by the Memorial Tree  outside Sheffield Town Hall, Pinstone Street








followed by asmall socially-distanced static protest outside Town Hall







1230hrs to 1330hrs Sheffield IWMD Zoom event 

You can watch a recording of the meeting here:

Opened by the

Lord Mayor Cllr. Tony Downing


Presided over by Sheffield TUC President Bob Jeffery


Carolyn Jones – Institute of Employment Rights

Olivia Blake MP (written statement read out on her behalf)

Bill Adams – Regional Secretary, Yorks and Humber TUC

John Dale – Sheffield Occupational Health Advisory Service (SOHAS)

Jawad Qasrawi – Hazards Magazine

Simon Bolton – SARAG & Mesothelioma UK Clinical Nurse Specialist

Cllr. Bob Johnson Sheffield City Council Leader

Holly Johnston – GMB S35 Health Branch, NHS activist

Doug Patterson – UNITE Regional Organiser

Sahail Chohan – Stand Up to Racism

Chris Peace- Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign

A minute’s silence was held at 1pm when photos of today’s wreath laying ceremony was displayed

short closing address by:

Martin Mayer, Secretary STUC


International Workers Memorial Day is an internationally recognised event with similar activities taking place in towns and cities all around the globe.

“The lack of PPE and safe working practices, including being forced to work where social distancing is not provided for, creates unacceptable risk for workers and all who they then come into contact with. It doesn’t have to be this way” said Martin Mayer, Sheffield TUC Secretary. “Trade unions have really proved their value during this crisis, speaking up about the dangers of CV-19 and putting pressure on the Government and employers. There has never been a more important time to join a trade union – if you are in a union you are much more likely to have a safer workplace during the coronavirus pandemic.”



Martin Mayer is Secretary of Sheffield Trade Union Council, the body which represents trade unions in Sheffield. He can be contacted on 0776 1078482


Sheffield Trade Union Council (Front Door Letterbox)

Trades and Labour Club, 200 Duke Street, Sheffield S2 5QQ