International Workers Memorial Day Thursday 28th April and Sheffield May Day march and rally Sunday 1st May 2022

International Workers Memorial Day  Thursday 28th April 2022  see flyer Sheffield TUC International Workers Memorial Day event 28th April 2022

Sheffield May Day march and rally Sunday 1st May 2022 see flyer Sheffield May Day march and rally is on Sunday 1st May 2022

scroll down for more details:

  1. International Workers Memorial Day  Thursday 28th April 2022

“Remember the Dead – Fight for the Living”

ITUC says “Make safe and healthy work a fundamental right this International Workers’ Memorial Day – 28 April #IWMD22” 

1230hrs – 1330hrs Wreath-laying Ceremony by the Memorial Tree outside Sheffield Town Hall, Pinstone Street

Opened by the Deputy Lord Mayor, Cllr Sioned-Mair Richards Presided over by Sheffield TUC President Bob Jeffery


Paul Blomfield MP Sheffield Central

Gareth Lewis – Yorks and Humber TUC

Nev Stevenson – SARAG Asbestos and Mesothelioma campaign

Cllr. Terry Fox – Sheffield City Council Leader

Jesse Palmer-Union Organiser for Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise

Jon Dale – Sheffield Occupational Health Advisory Service (SOHAS)

Jawad Qasrawi – Hazards Magazine

Holly Johnston – GMB S35 Health Branch, NHS activist

Jack Czauderna -Doctors in UNITE

Stuart Hill – UNITE Construction

Joanne Crookes- UNISON City of Sheffield Branch

Brian Lawton- Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign

There will be a minute’s silence at 1pm

Closing remarks: Martin Mayer, Secretary STUC

Union branches and their members are encouraged to join this event.

Please bring your union banners!

2.  Sheffield May Day march and rally Sunday 1st May 2022

Please join us on Sunday 1st May for our May Day march and rally in Sheffield City Centre.

We are celebrating our working-class history, promoting strong trade unionism, showing our solidarity with struggles at home and abroad, campaigning for climate justice, and standing up to this hostile Tory Government which is trampling on our rights and making working class families pay for the worst cost of living crisis in living memory.

11.30 Assemble at Devonshire Green

12 noon Set off for march, down Fitzwilliam Street, up the Moor, cross Furnival Gate on to Pinstone Street, end at Town Hall

12.30 (approx.) Speeches on Town Hall steps

 Speaker list:

  • Stop the War
  • IWGB Couriers
  • Palestine
  • Rafia Hussain – Stand up to Racism
  • Climate Coalition
  • Cost of Living Crisis
  • SHEFFIELD NEEDS A PAY RISE! Jesse Palmer, Union Organiser
  • UCU striker

Hosted by Martin Mayer Secretary Sheffield TUC


Everyone welcome!

N.B. We welcome all those campaigning for progressive change: youth, race, climate, climate, human rights, internationalism etc. etc. Please join us!