Our brilliant new Sheffield Union Organiser Rohan Kon started work on 4th January 2020, picking up where Jack Pearson left off. Already she has made a dramatic difference, linking up many young exploited workers, revitalising our Sheffield Needs a Pay Campaign, developing and training young workers and activists as “canvassers”, and – yes! – actually recruiting new union members!

Under the agreement with BFAWU, one half of Rohan’s employment costs are covered entirely by donations from the local trade union movement and labour movement in Sheffield. The other half is funded by the BFAWU via the Fast Food Rights campaign. Rohan’s employment costs are £20,000 p.a.
Sheffield TUC’s share for 2020 is £10,000– and more if we are to continue this into 2021 and beyond.

Can your union branch (or other organisation) help to fund this vital project to unionise Sheffield’s low paid workers and raise their pay and conditions?

Please make your donation by bacs to:
Account name: Sheffield Trade Union Council
account no: 59109499 sort code: 60-83-01
Use reference: Union Organiser Appeal
Please also email confirmation to so that we can acknowledge receipt and keep you informed of the campaign.

If you cannot pay by bacs then cheques should be made payable to Sheffield Trade Union Council, marked “Union Organiser Fund” on the back. Please post to The Secretary, Sheffield Trades Union Council c/o Trades & Labour Club (Front Door Post Box), 200 Duke Street, Sheffield S2 5QQ

All donations including personal donations are gratefully received, however small. An acknowledgement will be sent for each donation received. Thanks for your support.