Fighting back on Climate Change and building for COP26

Sheffield TUC is urging ALL trade unionists to get active on the climate as we build for COP 26. 

“THERE’S NO JOBS ON A DEAD PLANET” says Sharon Burrow, Gen Sec of the International TUC. Trades Unions have to be at the table fighting for green jobs, a just transition – and real action, not just words on climate change. As we make the huge changes necessary to green our economy we also must demand transformational change to make our society fairer as well as greener, raising living standards of the many whilst providing a cleaner, safer and greener environment – and saving our planet.

All this is possible but trade unionists have to fight to get this message heard. Sheffield TUC is an active partner in the Sheffield Climate Campaign Umbrella Group which is planning a number of activities over the coming weeks as we build for COP 26 in Glasgow in November. Please do make sure your Branch gets involved 

See the model motion Model Resolution For Trade Unions Cop26

Sheffield YS4C strike action – this Friday 24th September, 1.30pm
ys4c leafelt 3.jpg

Sheffield YS4C are joining the call from Greta to strike for the climate this Friday 24th September:
  • Assemble at Devonshire Green at 1.30pm (Friday 24th September)
  • March around 2pm:
    • From Devonshire Green, along Division Street down to the Town Hall.
  • YS4C speakers, and music groups at the Town Hall
They have asked Sheffield Climate Campaign Umbrella Group to support them by organising adult stewards for the march – anyone who could help with stewarding, please email
Saturday 25th September “Great Big Climate Campaign Day’ – Sheffield event 10 am till 4pm
SCCUG COP26 Coalition will be holding a stall at the event “Great Big Climate Campaign Day’ (hosted by Sheffield Climate Alliance).The stall will be running from 10am-4pm. Please do drop by toi help leaflet the public, talk to passers by or just say hello and show your support.
If anyone from STUC is able to help us at our stall in building for COP26 November 5th and 6th action, please email SCCUGroup@gmail;.com.
Saturday 6th November Sheffield COP26 March and Rally – Bring your banners!!
It’s really important that trade unions are visible and noisy on this big march in Sheffield on  Saturday 6th November. Workers have the most to lose from climate change yet the most to gain if we get the changes we need and ensure no worker is left behind. Our message must be “Green Jobs, a Just Transition, and a fairer and greener society for the future”. Please do make sure your union branch is involved and is represented on the march. We will be joined by many climate and environment activists and many concerned citizens who maybe have little awareness of trade unions, so our presence will be even more important!
SHEFFIELD SCCUG COP26 Coalition March and Rally 6 November.jpg