Saturday 19th March London demonstration for UN Anti-Racism Day
The coach will leave Paternoster Row for London at 8am. Another coach will be leaving Northern General Hospital – contact us if you want details. We have had fantastic sponsorship from NEU, Unite, Trades council, NUJ, Unison -so far but we need to start booking seats. We will be joining the world against racism demonstrations. Coaches leave paternoster row at 8 am prompt. Tickets cost £25 Full or £10 Concessions. We will return from London at 4pm at the latest and aim to return to Sheffield by 8.30pm. Tickets are available on this link.
And have booked coaches – cost is £25 waged £10 Unwaged –£ 5 for NEU members and branches that have subsidised transport (free to refugees and asylum seekers). Please get your ticket now
“There will be national demonstrations in London Glasgow and Cardiff. Racism and anti-migrant sentiment is growing and being used by the Tory Government here in the UK to divide us. It’s time to stand up against the Nationalities and Borders Bill and all the other trappings of the “Hostile Environment” weaponry being unleashed by the Government.”
Tuesday 22nd March “Nothing to Lose Bus Your Chains” zoom seminar 4pm -5.15pm Sociology & Politics Seminar by Jane Hardy about her book “Nothing to Lose but Your Chains -Work and Resistance in 21st century Britain”
“Jane Hardy will present arguments from her new book, which is based on a series of case studies that explore how cleaners, carers and hospitality workers (and many others) are fighting back against employers’ assaults in the neoliberal workplace. Drawing out historical parallels while also foregrounding the struggles of women and migrant workers, Hardy refutes some of the more pessimistic analyses of contemporary capitalism, which are couched in a fatalistic discourse of increasing automation, precarity and the fragmentation of solidarities. Instead, she shows how determined action and innovative tactics are leading to a new sense of empowerment throughout the economy.”
Jane Hardy was Professor of Political Economy at the University of Hertfordshire. She is now an independent writer and researcher. Hardy is the author of Poland’s New Capitalism (2009) and is a member of the Editorial Board of International Socialism.
Topic: Sociology & Politics Seminar Series Time: Mar 22, 2022 04:00 PM London Meeting ID: 845 335 1538
Tuesday 22nd March Sheffield TUC Delegate Meeting (in-person!)
7pm Trades and Labour Club, Talbot Street S2 5QQ. Yes, we are going for our first face-to-face meeting for 2 years! We hope delegates will be comfortable with this. FFP masks will be available and an oxygen monitor. We believe there is room to sit apart from each other. Anyway, The Executive committee said let’s try it!
Speaker: Chris Peace coordinator of the Scrap Zero Hours campaign. We also hope to have Shahd Abusalama as our Palestine speaker. This yet to be confirmed but Shahd was recently suspended and swiftly reinstated at Hallam University following allegations of anti-semitism and a huge campaign in her support. We will also be having a debate about the Russian invasion of Ukraine with a motion and/or a possible Executive statement to consider.
Door open 1845hrs. Please use side entrance on Talbot Street as we are using the downstairs room. Front doors do not open till 7.30pm. Trade union members who are not delegates are always welcome to come and take part but cannot vote.
Thursday 24th March Better Buses S Yorks stall on Budget Day
We agreed to organise a campaign stall on Budget Day – Thursday 24th March from 12 noon to 1.30pm to publicise this campaign and highlight how the fight for cheaper, more reliable public transport is an important part of the campaign against the cost-of-living crisis. The stall will be at the top of the Moor and we will be also leafleting passengers at bus stops in the city centre.
Friday 25th March Memorial event for Claudia Uruchurtu
4pm Victoria Hall, Norfolk Row (opposite Crucible Theatre).
On 26th March 2021, Claudia Uruchurtu was forcibly taken after a demonstration against the local authorities in the town of Nochixtlan, Oaxaca State, Mexico. For several years, Claudia documented and filed many complaints against the Nochixtlan’s authorities, for mismanagement of public funds, embezzlement, nepotism, as well as intimidation and abuses against the population of the town.
While some progress has been made regarding the investigation of her disappearance, sadly, she has not been found, and it is now unlikely that she will be found alive. Claudia’s sister, Elizabeth, and brother-in-law, Chris, are both UCU members at Sheffield Hallam, and our branch supports their quest for justice.
This meeting is to remember Claudia, alongside many who may never have met her but have helped and are helping to keep her memory and activism alive. It will allow the family to thank those who have supported them. It will allow you to hear first-hand about the ongoing fight for justice and peace for her family.
We will also take this opportunity to promote further fundraising to sustain the legal support for Claudia’s case and help us to raise awareness of the plight of tens of thousands of families looking for their loved ones in Mexico. Bob Jeffery UCH SHU
Please register via Eventbrite:
Read more about Claudia story here:
Saturday 26th March Climate Summit – Just Transition and Climate Jobs
STOP PRESS: due to the increased COVID cases the decision has been made to hold this event online in order to broaden inclusive access at this time.
Click on to book your place.
One day summit with workshops organised by Sheffield Climate Campaign Umbrella Group. See flyer attached SCCUmbrella (COP26) Coalition – Climate Jobs Flyer
Following the COP26 talks in November we need to keep up the pressure for investment in our green future – it won’t happen without us!
Climate Jobs: Building a workforce for the climate emergency is the new booklet produced by Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Group (CCCTUC). Authors of the book will explain the thinking behind a just transition to Climate Jobs & share examples of how different sectors could be transformed for the good of both the environment and citizens. Join us for a day of workshops to discuss how we can create climate jobs in:
– Renewable energy
– Transport and Industry
– Working the land
– Towards zero waste
Speakers confirmed so far:
– SUZANNE JEFFERY – Chair of Campaign Against CLimate Change & editor of the Climate Jobs report.
– MOLLY COWELL – Sheffield YS4C
– MARTIN MAYER – Sheffield Trades Union Council
– TAHIR LATIF – lead author of the “Transport & Industry” chapter of the Climate Jobs report
– ELLEN ROBOTTOM – lead author of the “Energy” chapter of the Climate Jobs report
– FELICITY PREMRU – Lead author of the “zerO waste” chapter of the Climate Jobs report
– CLAIRE JAMES – Lead author of the “Working the Land” chapter of the Climate Jobs report
– DOROTHY GUERRERO – Head of policy & Advocacy, Global Justice Now
– DINAH WARD – South Yorkshire Green New Deal
– HEATHER HUNT – South Yorkshire Green New Deal
– MATTHEW TOPHAM – South Yorkshire Better Buses
Saturday 26th March Jallianwala Bagh Massacre online event
2pm online event and includes Amarjit Singh of Cardiff TUC and TUCJCC General Council member Dave Ward CWU Gen Secretary, Kevin Courtney NEU
26th March Protest Jimmy Carr- Visit to Sheffield
Outside Sheffield City Hall. Organised by Sheffield Stand up to Racism.
“Following his sickening “joke “about the deaths of Sinti and Roma people in the Holocaust we want to organise a protest to say the Holocaust is no laughing matter. Details will follow”
Sunday 27th March Sheffield Stop the War protest
12 noon outside the Town Hall. Solidarity with the people of Ukraine! Solidarity with Russian anti-war protesters! Troops out!
Saturday 2nd April National People’s Assembly protest at Cost-of-Living Crisis
11am to 1230hrs outside Moor Market. Megaphone and stall to raise awareness about the cost-of-living crisis. Leafleting and talking to the public. Food bank collection. Flyer awaited.
Saturday 2nd April PALFEST SHEFFIELD social and fundraiser
Please support this social event at Crooke Social Club with the Free Radical and more! Raising funds for the Sheffield Festival of Friendship with Palestine 6th June to 9th July 2022
Tuesday 5th April Acorn Mayoral Hustings 6.30pm St Marys Community Centre, Bramall Lane. Come and meet the candidates for South Yorkshire Mayor. Hosted by ACORN. Please register free at Eventbrite:
“We’re hoping to get a good and diverse turnout and it’ll be a lively event no doubt so anything you can do to promote it would be appreciated. Let me know if there’s any further information you need.
Jordan Phizacklea-Cullen
Co-Director (Yorkshire & Humberside), ACORN the Union
Tuesday 12th April “Yes! Yes! UCS” – 50th anniversary theatre
7pm New York Stadium, Rotherham. N.B. venue chosen for good public transport link from Sheffield via train or tram. Sponsored showing supported by Sheffield TUC, Rotherham TUC and Union Branches. Tickets £10 and £5 unwaged. Will include a speaker and discussion. Get your tickets here:
Townsend Theatre are bringing their new musical play (featuring the Sheffield Socialist choir) about the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders work-in. Brand new, musical play which chronicles the story of the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders ‘Work-in’ of 1971-72.
Townsend Theatre Productions’ new play Yes! Yes! U.C.S! is a celebration of the community solidarity and collective resistance inspired and led by Upper Clyde Shipbuilders’ shop stewards Jimmy’s Reid and Airlie, attracting massive national and international support that led to victory in the fight for Right to Work. John Lennon and Yoko Ono sent a bunch of roses
with message for the people of Glasgow; it read: “Power to the People!”
“Powerful theatrical storytelling combines with live rock and folk music from the early 70s and graphic art animated projection to bring a meaningful message of hope, social justice and the fight for the right to work.”
By Rail: Depart Sheffield rail station 1807 Arrive Rotherham Central 1818. Walk 0.5 miles 9mins arrive New York Stadium 1827hrs. performance starts 1900hrs
By Tram train: depart Sheffield Cathedral 1800hrs Arrive Rotherham Central 1824hrs Walk 0.4 miles 7mins arrive New York Stadium 1831hrs. performance starts 1900hrs
By Bus: depart Arundel Gate (Stop AG6) X1 Steel City Link 1804 Arrive Rotherham Westgate/Main Street 1833hrs Walk 0.4 miles 7mins arrive New York Stadium 1840hrs. performance starts 1900hrs
Join the TUC in Hull this April for our 74th Annual Regional Conference – an action-packed weekend focused on the future of the trade union movement.
For the first time, conference is open to everyone – so please invite your reps, activists and members to attend!
Passes are free! And you are welcome to attend as much or as little of conference and our conference fringe programme as you like.
For the first time in the TUC’s history, our conference will take place in Hull. TUC Regional Conference is the annual meeting of the union movement in Yorkshire. It is our highest policy making body in the region, setting the political and policy agenda for our 600,000 strong movement in Yorkshire.
Conference highlights:
Friday 22 April – Hull Truck Theatre
Welcome to Conference reception at 6pm, with free drinks and canapes, sponsored by Unite. Followed by Unions Organising for Equality fringe debate, sponsored by Unite. All delegates, visitors, guests are invited to attend.
Saturday 23 April and Sunday 24th April – DoubleTree Hilton, Hull
Keynote speeches by TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady, and Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin. Cllr Daren Hale will open conference.
Debates on climate change and union organising throughout the day. Full conference agenda here.
Fringe programme available here:
Thursday 28th April International Workers Memorial Day
1230hrs till 1330hrs by the Memorial Tree outside Sheffield Town Hall Pinstone Street.
Wreath laying ceremony and speakers. More details to follow. Please bring union banners
Sunday 1st May Sheffield May Day march and rally
Assemble Devonshire Green for march through city centre and rally outside City Hall in Barkers Pool. Bring your banners and make some noise! Celebrate trade unionism and workers solidarity.
Thursday 12th May Festival of Debate “Trade Unions Fighting Back in the Community”
7pm Central Reform Church Norfolk Street. Organised by Sheffield TUC to discuss how local trade union branches and the Trades Council are linking positively with our local communities – and standing up to poverty, inequality and discrimination. Evening panel debate with speakers and discussion.
Saturday 14th May “With Banners Held High!” march, music, poetry, stalls and politics
(Note change of date – was 21st May)
Wakefield TUC continues to build this annual event on the theme “the Past We Inherit; a Green Future We Build!” See flyer attached. We await further details. This an all day and evening events in Wakefield.
Weekend 18th-19th June LGND Worker Climate Conference
Venue: Foodhall, Brown Street, Sheffield, S1 2BS. Organised by Labour for a Green New Deal.
LGND aims to contribute to the necessary development of a worker movement which can address climate change by hosting a national ‘Worker-Climate Conference’, in the aftermath of Labour Party Conference and COP26. To achieve this, LGND’s Trade Union team will bring together the range of organisers engaged in this work, to build relationships; discuss experience; and plan future strategy.
In between now and June, we are planning a series of 4 online sessions to supplement the in-person work at the conference.
The dates for these online sessions are:
Saturday 19th February, 10:30-12:30 Topic: Evaluation of Worker-Climate Organising in 2020/21
Saturday 19th March, 10:30-12:30 Topic: Just Transition and Worker Power
Saturday 23rd April, 10:30-12:30 (TBC) Topic: Local Organising
Saturday 28th May, 10:30-12:30 (TBC) Topic: Models for Organising in UK Unions