Diary of Events September October (updated)

Thursday 21st September Asa Winstanley, “Weaponising Antisemitism”

7pm Venue to be confirmed. Organised by Sheffield Left. Asa will speak about his book which exposes how Labour’s anti-Semitism crisis was manufactured by pro-Israel groups.

Venue yet to be confirmed, see nearer to the time in next SL Newsletter or at:



Friday 22nd September Sheffield-Nablus International Concert

7pm -9pm BST (9-11pm Jerusalem) at the Broomhall Centre, Broomspring Lane, Sheffield S10 2FD and the Hamdi Manko Cultural Centre, Nablus. Organised by Sheffield PalFest and Seeds for development and Culture, Nablus. With support from Sheffield Palestine Coalition against Israeli Apartheid, and Sheffield TUC. See flyer for more details Sheffield Nablus concert 22.09.23

Live performances from Nablus and Sheffield – in person and live streamed worldwide!

On Friday 22nd September an impressive technical and artistic collaboration between the peoples of Sheffield and Nablus, Palestine takes place. Two live music concerts will be performed in the same time period:  Performances in one location will be live streamed and visible via big screen in the other. People unable to be in person at either venue will be able to participate via a YouTube link.

Tickets (live & online) bit.ly/SheffieldNablusConcert     Donate: bit.ly/SheffieldNablusDonate

Saturday 23rd September  Workers Summit, London

2-10pm Bishopsgate Institute, London. “Link the Fights. Reject Bad deals. Fight to Win”

Book here https://www.eventbrite.com/…/workers-summit-and-social

Called by Strike Map, NHS workers Say No, Lambeth and Hackney NEU

*100 Trade Union bodies are now backing the Workers’ Summit*
Trade unionists from across the UK see the need for an event that pulls together different unions from Unison, GMB in Amazon, teachers in the NEU, health workers, postal workers, rail workers and more! After the biggest year of class struggle, we need to come together and discuss the strategy pursued by the trade union leaders, the deals that have been won, how we co-ordinate our strikes better and how we fight to win big.  Book now:  bit.ly/WorkersSummit

Get in contact if you want to go. A small bus will be leaving paternoster row at 9.30am.
Check out the timetable here: bit.ly/WSTimetable  To add your name to supporting branches and organisations, please email linkthefights@gmail.com and we will contact you asap.

 Tuesday 26th September  Sheffield Trades Union Council monthly meeting. 

7pm to 9pm at The Trades & Labour Club, 200 Duke Street S2 5QQ.  All trade union members are welcome to participate.  Only Branch Delegates can vote. We have a speaker confirmed from the AMAZON strikers at Coventry



Sunday 1st October    Protest at Tory Party Conference, Manchester 

12pm Oxford Road, Manchester. Organised by Peoples Assembly.

This will be part of a Peoples Assembly “Festival of Resistance” from 30th September to 3rd October. See flyer for more details

Sheffield Coach Tickets to Protest the Tory Party Conference in Manchester. Depart from outside The Hubs, Paternoster Row, Sheffield, S1 2QQ. Tickets cost £12 waged, £6 for unwaged and students Free for refugees.

link to the Ticket Tailor booking system: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/sheffieldpeoplesassembly/994247

Join Us- to make clear to the Tories that we will not tolerate their war on the working class. We demand inflation busting pay rises, and the end to attacks on our jobs, the environment, our public services & our democratic rights. We especially reject the whipping up of racism against refugees.

As the Tory government prepares to sink lower than ever before, ramming through even more draconian laws to impede our civil liberties and our right to protest, we are all facing the fight of our lives. This government has no popular mandate for its policies that punish us all. But unless we mobilise real determined opposition to government policies, vicious attacks on the working class will continue. The People’s Assembly is calling on all our affiliates and supporters to help us to mobilise the biggest, most united voice from every corner of Britain in coming weeks.”

Saturday 7th October Latin America Day School

0945hrs to 1615hrs Quaker Meeting House, St James Street S1.  Hosted by Sheffield Trades Council, Sheffield Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Chile Solidarity Network, Jubilee Movement Sheffield, Alborada, Sheffield Left.  See flyer here: Latin America Dayschool 2023 flyer Latin America Dayschool 2023 flyer 7th October

“Economic and ecological crises are bearing down with greatest intensity on workers and poor people in Latin America and other regions of the global South, made much worse by reckless exploitation of their natural resources and living labour by capitalist corporations based in Britain and other rich countries. The struggles in Britain against austerity, union-busting, climate destruction, profiteering corporations, racism & fascism and much else are indissolubly connected to struggles against these same evils in Latin America. We have much to learn from the often much more advanced experiences of workers and youth in Latin America. Solidarity, and seeing ourselves as part of the world, makes us stronger.”

Saturday 7th October Rally for our Bus Services

Organised by Better Buses South Yorkshire

Campaign stalls to build for October 7th rally:

  • Sheffield Weds 4th October, 11.30 – 1pm (top of the Moor)
  • Doncaster possible date Weds 27th September – please let me know if you can be there
  • Barnsley – to be arranged, possibly Friday 22nd Sept (let me know availability)



Saturday 7th October  Protest re Government’s anti-Boycott Bill

12 noon outside Sheffield Town Hall. National Day of Action by Right to Boycott Coalition.

The government has tabled an anti-boycott bill with the aim of preventing public authorities, like local councils, local government pension funds, unions or universities, from making ethical choices about spending or investment. The government’s main target is campaigns in support of Palestinian rights but those pushing for action against deforestation, environmental pollution, and the exploitation of children and workers could also be affected. This toxic bill will erode local democracy, restrict freedom of expression, and undermine campaigns for social and climate justice.

Saturday 21st October “Socialist republic of South Yorkshire -Resisting Thatcherism in the 1980’s

1pm-5pm Broomhall Centre, Broomspring Lane S10 2FD.

Sheffield Transformed is hosting a free workshop that will explore how left-wing activists and politicians in 1980s Sheffield attempted to resist the dominance of Thatcherism and implement their own political ideas.

During the 1980s, the term ‘Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire’ was coined to describe the region’s left-wing political culture. With contributions from historians and local campaigners, this workshop will examine the left-wing, trade union, feminist, and anti-racist activism that made up the Socialist Republic. We’ll discuss what we can learn from this pivotal period in political history and how we can apply it to our present situation.


Saturday 21st October Stand Up to Racism National Organising Conference. 

11am to 4pm Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BB

We have Neville Lawrence father of Stephen confirmed to speak – book your place now tinyurl.com/SUTR23c