Tuesday 14th September. TUC Congress fringe webinar:
“Future-proof every workplace: How trade unions can lead a just climate transition in every industry”
13:30-14:30, online Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YcHOP-GcT8mvdIFoJxETeQ
Climate science is clear: every industry and every workplace needs a plan for a zero carbon future. High-carbon workplaces are at the frontline of this transformation. Done right, climate action can strengthen industries and create more jobs in the UK. But if we don’t retool our industries, we’re at risk of jobs being offshored and communities hollowed out as workplaces shut down. This panel will feature reps from a range of industries working to future-proof their jobs.
This meeting will be BSL interpreted and live captions will be provided. Please let us know on amarkovamminio@tuc.org.uk if you have any other access needs you would like us to accommodate. The meeting will be recorded and published on YouTube.
Jacqueline Thomas, Community member at Tata Steel
Frank Duffy, Unite convenor at GKN (automotive)
(invited) Hazel Nolan, organiser at GMB
(invited) Sonja Van Wingerden, TSSA rep at Eurostar
Pete Wood, UCU green rep
Chair: Mika Minio-Paluello,
Saturday 18th September “A Carnival of Resistance to the Hostile Environment in the NHS”
2pm Devonshire Green We will march to the Royal Hallamshire Hospital to hand in Simba’s petition of 68,000 signatures, demand that the hospital management meet with Simba and his supporters, and call on them to join us in opposition to Hostile Environment immigration policies.
Nobody should be deterred from seeking vital healthcare because they can’t pay for it or because they’re worried their personal data will be shared without consent. Our protest on Saturday is for justice for Simba but also to defend the principle of universal healthcare which is central to the NHS. Listen to Simba explain more about his story and why it’s important here.
Organised by Justice for Simba campaign, Medact Sheffield, Migrants Organise, These Walls Must Fall, SYMAAG, and many other friends from the Patients Not Passports campaign. If you can’t join us on Saturday 18th but want to support the Justice for Simba campaign here’s how
Stuart Crosthwaite
Secretary, South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG)
Sunday 19 September. “Opposing the racist offensive – building unity”
A conference organised by Stand up to Racism and TUC Yorkshire and the Humber. 12noon-3pm Sign up now: https://bit.ly/SUTRyorks21 See flyer attached.
On Sunday 19 September (12-3pm) Stand up to Racism and TUC Yorkshire and The Humber are holding a major online conference to bring together anti-racist activists across the region. We won’t let our communities be divided by the politics of hate and bigotry.
Opposing the Racist Offensive – building Unity Y&H TUC and SUtR conference 19th September 2021
Speakers include: Bell Ribeiro Addy MP • Shaka Hislop Former Footballer • Vicky Blake UCU President • Janet Alder Justice for Christopher Alder • Dominic Bascombe Yorkshire and The Humber TUC, and Equity • Jake Bowers Roma Journalist • Clare Moseley Care4Calais • Weyman Bennett Co-convenor, Stand up to Racism • Refugee speakers
Themes include: Unity Over Division: combatting racism and Islamophobia at work • Decolonising Education • No to the ‘Culture War’: building anti-racism in sport • Criminalising our communities: fighting the Police, Crime and Sentencing Bill • No to the ‘Hostile Environment’: refugees and migrants welcome here!
The Tory government is organising a major racist offensive. They are intent on “turning back” refugees and asylum seekers, attacking black footballers for taking the knee and criminalising Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities. Priti Patel plans to reinforce the Hostile Environment with a new, viscous Nationality and Borders bill. The prime minister, Boris Johnson, has a history of racist remarks and denies that institutional racism exists.
We need to come together to say no to racist legislation and the politics of division. The Black Lives Matter movement showed that it is possible to shape the debate on race and racism in this country through mass protest. Networks of refugee solidarity have shown our communities are more tolerant and diverse than the mainstream media and politicians. Students and educators of all ages are coming together to call for the decolonisation of the curriculum.
What can you do?
- Sign up to the conference on: https://bit.ly/SUTRyorks21
- Share this email with friends and colleagues (or ask your organisation to share)
- Come to the conference with ideas for action
Monday 20th September South Yorks Better Buses Campaign Lobby of MCA
9.30am Lobby outside the next meeting of the Mayoral Combined Authority (the meeting starts at 10am) at the Sheffield City Region offices on Broad St West.
Jenny will be presenting our petition for free bus travel during COP26 and we expect to be submitting a question on why we still have no information about consultation plans. The meeting may also have the Bus Service Improvement Plan on the agenda (which won’t be published till next week).
Please bring banners, placards etc. Do spread the word widely – we had over 20 people at the last lobby, and it would be great to have a good showing again to encourage the leaders to listen to our concerns.
There will be a Facebook event set up – if you use Facebook, please like and share this and if possible indicate you are interested or coming!
Saturday 25th September “Green Week” to highlight the climate emergency.
11 to 2pm stalls on Fargate from a wide range of campaigns and organisations, including Better Buses campaign. Organised by Sheffield Climate Campaign Umbrella Group.
Sunday 3rd October Protest the Tory Party Conference
12 pm assemble at Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2, United Kingdom
Organised by Peoples Assembly Against Austerity
The Tories are back in Manchester and so we will be there to protest them every step of the way. There will be a national demonstration and march on Sunday 3 October and all Manchester venues will be alive with counter politics over the rest of their conference.
Solidarity and #ToriesOut
Saturday 23rd October 2021 “Anti-cuts online conference”
11am to 1pm, Leeds TUC is organising an anti-cuts conference and are sending invites to other TUCs in Yorkshire and other trade union bodies in the region. Please share it with other trade unionists and community campaigns you know.
The purpose of the conference is to:
- Hear from those in struggle, including trade union and community campaigns, to build confidence across the movement in building resistance against cuts.
- Share experiences across different areas with the hope of organising joint actions and campaigns.
- Build links with local groups to strengthen current and planned campaigns.
- Explore what trade union branches and community campaigns can actually do to challenge cuts.
- Explore how trade union branches need to work together to effectively challenge cuts.
- Understanding what research has been done and needs to be done to support action, for example reviews of council debt and finances.
We hope you can attend the conference. Zoom details will be sent nearer the time.