diary of events May to July 2018

Tuesday 15th May Sheffield People’s Assembly AGM
6.30pm to 8.30pm Central United Reform Church, 60 Norfolk Street S1 2JB. Speakers:
Sam Morecroft (UCU – University of Sheffield); Georgina Ryan – Free University Sheffield
All officer positions up for re-election:  Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer, Outreach Officer, Activities Officer & Membership Officer.

Friday 18th May Protest outside TGI Friday on first day of UNITE strike
Please come and join us in support of unite members at TGI Fridays this Friday 18th May at 6.30pm outside the Tinsley Road restaurant. Many TGI Friday staff are UNITE members, and more are joining! They are furious at the way they are being treated – and the stolen tips is the last straw. UNITE balloted a number of outlets and we’ll get the results on 18th May, just when one TGI Fridays will be out on strike! SO IT’S A REALLY GOOD DATE TO STEP UP THE PROTEST! MEET AT 6.30PM outside the TGI FRIDAYS at Sheffield Road, Tinsley, Sheffield S9 2YL

Saturday 19th May Stand Up to racism protest v Football Lads Alliance, Manchester
Don’t let the racists divide us! Sheffield transport to Manchester protest against the FLA on Saturday 19th May. Coach will leave from Paternoster Row at 0830. Tickets £10 waged / £5 unwaged
Stand Up to Racism says: “The Football Lads Alliance (FLA) claims it is an organisation of football fans, yet the event could open the door to far right groups, that want to promote racism and Islamophobia such as Veterans Against Terrorism (VAT). In recent months it has had far right speakers on its platforms and promoted Islamophobic events such as an intimidating march by far right extremists against the East London mosque in Tower Hamlets. We call on all people of good will to stand together in Manchester against all forms of racism and Islamophobia.”

Sunday 20th May “With Banner Held High” A Full Free-Day Community Festival, Wakefield
Assemble 0930hrs for march outside Wakefield Cathredral. Then festival at Wood Street, Wakefield 1000-1700hrs. “Live music, poetry, drama, film- Discussion sessions and political speeches – Celebrating the culture and diversity of the trade union movement. To inspire the young and unite the many” Speakers include Frances O’Grady TUC General Secretary and John Trickett MP. Organised by Wakefield and 5 Towns TUC.
Preceded by the Collective Spirit festival in Wakefield – part of With Banners Held High a series of events from 12th May to 20th May. See link for details: https://www.tuc.org.uk/yorkshire-and-the-humber/events/CollectiveSpiritWKF2018

Saturday 16th June Annual Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign Rally

1pm start, meeting on the spare land as previously on Orgreave Lane.  Organised by the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign, commemorating the 34th anniversary of the events at Orgreave 18th June 1984. Confirmed speakers:
Kate Flannery, OTJC and WAPC; Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary; Chris Williamson MP
Gill Furniss MP Sheffield Brightside and Shadow Minister; Joe Whitworth :President Durham Miners Association; Helen Steel: Spycops and Social Justice Campaigner; Matt Abbott – Poet
Compères: Chris Peace: OTJC and Labour Party Prospective Candidate for North East Derbyshire and Joe Rollin: OTJC and Unite the Union
Please bring banners, placards, drums, whistles, friends and family! Let’s show the Government we won’t be silenced! Led by the Unite Brass Band, come march with us through Orgreave and support our call for a Public Inquiry for Truth and Justice for Striking Miners brutalised by police at the Orgreave Coking Plant on 18th June 1984.

All are welcome and please bring banners, placards etc and spread the word.

Friday 22nd June “Rebuilding Our Public Services”  public meeting
7pm to 8.30pm Central United Reform Church, 60 Norfolk Street S1 2JB.Organised by Sheffield Peoples Assembly. Guest speaker: Chris Williamson, Labour MP for Derby North and ally of Jeremy Corbyn. Other speakers to follow.

Saturday 30th June NHS 70th Birthday London demo Save Our NHS
The NHS is approaching its 70th birthday! We want to make sure that we have at least another 70 years and more of our country’s greatest achievement.
As we all know however, this is not what this Tory Government wants – whatever their spin and lies – we know that they’re increasingly pushing our NHS toward an American-style insurance based model, with high profits for business and decreasing services for the rest of us.
We need to come together and make sure we secure a free at the point of use, universal, publicly owned and publicly run National Health Service, fully nationalised available to all. It’s time to celebrate our fantastic NHS staff and it’s amazing achievements over the last 70 years but also safeguard from attack from those who would wish to destroy it.
SAVE THE DATE. On Saturday 30 June 2018 – We will be partying and protesting for #OurNHS!
Be there.

“Changing Lives: 200 years of People and Protest in Sheffield”.
Tuesday 6th February to Sunday 1st July Western Park Museum daily (entrance free). Explore Sheffield’s remarkable history of protest and activism, from the Radical Press of the 1700s, through to the miners’ and steelworkers’ strikes, and causes championed in the city today. Changing Lives is part of our 2018 Protest & Activism season supported by the Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund marking the 100th anniversary of the Representation of the People Act. Changing Lives will be complemented at the Millennium Gallery by Hope is Strong, a new exhibition exploring the power of art to question and challenge the world we live in.