Tuesday 5th March Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise meeting
6pm United Reform Church (Room 3 upstairs). Open to trade union and labour movement activists who want to help Sheffield TUC stamp out low pay, zero hours contracts and bullying bosses by organising workers into unions and exposing bad bosses in our city. Hear about progress hiring a new union Organiser for Sheffield and help plan events to take SNAP out onto the streets. Young workers especially welcome! Organised by Sheffield TUC and our Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise Campaign
Wednesday 6th March Sheffield Stop and Scrap Universal Credit
1230hrs till 1400hrs United Reform Church Norfolk Street (room 3 upstairs). Open to all who want to join our united campaign to stop Universal Credit in our city. Initiated by Sheffield TUC and supported by Labour and other political parties, campaign organisations and others. Come and plan how to take this campaign out to the people.
Saturday 9th March “Hands Off Venezuela!”
12 noon till 1pm Outside Town Hall, Pinstone Street Sheffield. Organised by Sheffield Cuba Solidarity Campaign. Oppose the use of so-called “humanitarian aid” as a cloak for military intervention. Oppose military threats and all foreign intervention in Venezuela. No to sanctions, no to war!
Monday 11th March Sheffield May Day planning meeting
1800hrs till 1930hrs United Reform Church Norfolk Street (room 1 upstairs). Open to all who want to join us in collaborative planning for the first May Day rally in Sheffield for 30 years! Len McCluskey confirmed key speaker at rally on City Hall steps 2pm. Rebecca Long-Bailey MP to lead discussion on alternative economic policy under Labour at DINA Cambridge Street at 4.30pm. Social event with music £5 entrance 8.30pm till late also at DINA.
Monday 11th March “These Walls Must Fall!” public meeting
1830hrs-2030hrs Victoria Hall, Chapel Walk, Sheffield, S1 2JB. Sheffield against detention and deportations. ASSIST, SYMAAG, and Right to Remain host a public discussion on the case to end immigration detention, and stop deportations. Join us to hear speakers with experience of the UK detention system and campaigning around it, from These Walls Must Fall North West, ASSIST, SYMAAG and Migrants Organise. After that, we’ll break into small groups to begin planning and organising local work to oppose and stop the cruel detention system – for good.
You can find out more about the These Walls Must Fall campaign to end detention here: https://detention.org.uk/sheffield-against-detention-and-deportation/
*** There will be a break in the middle where we invite people to bring and share food with each other. ***
Saturday 16th March UN Anti-Racism Day: Celebrate the anti-racist majority!
A day of mass demonstrations across Europe & US. UK demonstrations in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and around the world! Sheffield Stand Up to racism will be organising coach transport from Sheffield, supported by Sheffield TUC.
“From Trump in the US, right across Europe and back to Bolsanaro in Brazil the racist and fascist right are on the rise. In Britain the Tories are scapegoating refugees to deflect attention from their Brexit crisis. The racist and fascist right – from UKIP and Nazi Tommy Robinson to the fake “yellow vests” who threatened Owen Jones and attacked rail workers picket lines in Manchester – are also trying to grow. It is vital that while the likes of Steve Bannon are trying to link up the far right on an international scale, we build the links between anti-racists and anti-fascists across international borders.”
Speakers: Diane Abbott MP • Frances O’Grady TUC General Secretary • Michael Rosen Poet • Paul Cannonvilleformer footballer & anti-racism campaigner • Dave Ward CWU General Secretary • Manuel Cortes TSSA General Secretary • Emma Dent Coad MP • Claude Moraes MEP • Julie Ward MEP • Salma Yaqoob •Roksana Fiaz Mayor of Newham • Unmesh Desai AM • Ged Grebby Show Racism the Red Card Chief Exec • Louise Raw Author PLUS MORE TBC
Coach hire is organised by Sheffield Stand Up to Racism and part-sponsored by Sheffield TUC Return tickets are £21.91 waged and £11.25 unwaged. We encourage people to add a donation top-up too as coaches cost up to £1,000 each to hire.
Pick up points:
– Rotherham (location TBC) at 7.30am
– Sheffield – The Hubs, Paternoster Row at 8am
As cities march across the world to mark UN anti-racism day, join them to say #NoRacismNoFascism
Saturday 16 March London, Glasgow, Cardiff and around the world.
Tuesday 26th March Sheffield TUC Delegate Meeting
7pm Trades and Labour Club, 200 Duke Street Sheffield S2 5QQ. Please use side entrance on Talbot Street. Opne to Trades Council delegates but visitors who are trade union members are welcome to attend. Please register on the door. Speaker to be confirmed.
Friday 26th April International Workers Memorial Day
1230hrs till 1330hrs Outside Town Hall by the Memorial Tree on Pinstone Street. Speakers and wreath-laying ceremony to mark this international day of action on health and safety. “Remember the Dead – Fight for the Living”. Every year, too many workers die from accidents at work due to inadequate – or sometimes recklessly negligent – standards of health and safety. Vital health and safety legislation is under attack, all too often dubbed “too much red tape” or “a burden on business”. Even more die or suffer from industrial diseases or other health conditions derived from their work. All welcome. Trade Unions please send a delegation and bring your banners.
Saturday 4th May Sheffield May Day Rally
Organised by Sheffield TUC in collaboration with wider TU and labour movement. This will be the first properly organised May Day event in Sheffield for at least 20 years!
Assemble Devonshire Green 1pm then march through city centre to Barkers Pool
Rally on City Hall steps at 2pm. Keynote speaker Len McCluskey GS UNITE confirmed
Then events planned at DINA venue on Cambridge Street including panel debate on Labour’s alternative economic strategy led by Rebecca Long-Bailey Shadow Sec (to be confirmed) and an evening social, also at DINA, from 8pm with bands including Free Radicals (£5 entrance fee).
Saturday 18th May “With Banners Held High!” Wakefield
With Banners Held High was started by Wakefield Trade Union Council 5 years ago to commemorate the Miners Strike and has grown since then. This year we are really looking at Public Services, a promise of “a land fit for heroes “that grew out of the post war WW2 settlement. Supported by NUM – but the event requires trade union funding support.
Angela Rayner invited. (She had previously said that she will)
Workshop in the Town Hall, Political Policing, Peterloo, Orgreave, poll tax, anti fracking, Academisation WCAT etc. , Attracting Young Workers to Unions , Just Transition and more…
We need more donations and so we are writing to all Unions and branches we have details for with the attached urgent funding request Please will Your Branch donate/ affiliate ?
Donations affiliations will be listed on a page in the programme and announced during the day .
If you would also like an advert in the programme there are several prices £150 for a full A5 page, and fractions down . Art work for advert by March 19
We would love to see as many banners as possible at the event on Saturday May 18th in nearby Wakefield.