Diary of Events July 2022

Monday 4th July  Alex Marshall IWGB gives the John Knight Memorial Lecture

7.15pm Chesterfield Labour Club, Unity House, 113 Saltergate, Chesterfield  S40 1NF

This event is also live on zoom Meeting ID: 898 8842 4969 Passcode: 812413


Alex Marshall President of the Independent Workers of Great Britain trade union will speak on “Organising Precarious Workers – Challenges for our Movement” The IWGB have recently been running a major campaign of industrial action “the longest ever gig economy strike ‘ over pay and conditions amongst delivery drivers in Chesterfield and other towns and cities. We are moving into what looks like being a major series of key disputes over pay and condition across our movement with the RMT strikes and ballots for action across key sectors of the workforce.

The lecture and the discussion that will follow at the event is a key opportunity to look at strategies for organising effectively across the working class for effective 21st century trade unionism.

The John Knight memorial lecture & award was established in memory of John Knight to mark his work as a trade union campaigner for social justice and health & safety. Nominations for the 2022 award have been submitted and the award will be presented at the lecture.


Monday 4th July  Sheffield Climate Campaign Umbrella Group

7.15pm Topic: Planning Meeting for Summit on 23rd July

Time: Jul 4, 2022 07:15 PM

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89518919611?pwd=oWdB4Hd19KkqAwWcoY633DmLFp2OJZ.1

Meeting ID: 895 1891 9611    Passcode: 859385


Tuesday 5th July   NHS 74th Birthday

4.30pm – 6pm outside Sheffield Town Hall. Rally & giving out of birthday cake to public

  • Proper funding for the NHS
  • Rebuild the NHS – no more needless suffering
  • Pay justice for health & care staff


Mick Suter, Chair SSONHS


13th June to 9th July PalFest Sheffield 2022 

Often misrepresented, Palestinians have a story of beautiful resistance, expressed in a vibrant culture, which resonates in our city of Sheffield. Palfest also recognises that Sheffield has a continuing struggle to renew itself as a post-industrial northern city, beset by adverse conditions. Yet the city has maintained generosity and openness most prominently through its self-declaration as first City of Sanctuary .We are developing on firm foundations of solidarity built over more than four decades in our city. We root our festival in the Sheffield communities for which Palestine has an abiding and central significance.

The Festival will celebrate these connections and more through June and early July with Palestinian food, dance and music, with exhibitions and talks, with creative and sports activities for children and youth. There will be a focus on women sharing their stories and experiences.  Look out for announcements about exciting city centre events on the 25th June, 2nd July and a presence at Sharrow Festival on the 9th.

The Palfest organisers are a diverse group of Sheffield people who stand in solidarity with people of Palestine





Wednesday 6th July “Ukraine today – tomorrow China?”

7pm Central united Reform Church, 60 Norfolk Street Sheffield. Stop the War Coalition Public Meeting

Saturday 23rd July “People and Planet before Profit”

1030 – 1430hrs St Mary’s Community Centre, Bramall Lane Sheffield S2 4QX

What can be done to avert this climate and cost of living crisis? A day of discussion and debate – and plans for action. Hosted by Sheffield Climate Umbrella Group which includes Sheffield TUC and number of other organisations e.g. YouthStrike4Climate, NEU, XR, Green New Deal S. Yorks, Better Buses S Yorks, Barnsley TUC and many more…