Diary of Events July 2019

Monday 1st July “These Walls Must Fall” Workshop 2: Campaigning for Change 18:00-20:30 Victoria Hall, entrance on Chapel Walk, Sheffield S1 2JB – PLEASE USE SIDE ENTRANCE ON CHAPEL WALK NEXT TO THE SANCTUARY

People are being taken from our communities and locked up in prison-like detention centres, without time limit, with no idea of when they might be released. Why? They just don’t (yet) have the correct immigration papers.

“These Walls Must Fall” is an initiative started by Right to Remain, building a network of locally-based community campaigns, part of the growing movement to end immigration detention. People are pushing the campaign through their community groups, voluntary organisations, charities, trade unions, activist groups, faith communities, student societies, sports clubs… the list keeps growing!

This workshop will introduce the campaign, and discuss how we can build in Sheffield and the surrounding areas.

To register, please email the name of the person who wants to attend to contact@detention.org.uk, along with any accessibility needs which we will do our best to accommodate.

Tuesday 2nd July Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise monthly meeting

6pm till 7pm United Reform Church (upstairs room 3) Norfolk Street Sheffield. Come and meet Jack Pearson our new Union Organiser and discuss his work. Help us plan activities to further the campaign against low pay and exploitation in our city

Thursday 4th July Winning An Ethical Foreign Policy – Winning the Peace

7:00pm to 9:00pm Central United Reformed Church, 60 Norfolk St, Sheffield S1 2JB

with Steve Bell, Stop The War Coalition and Matt Fawcett, CND

Military might is gathering once again in the Middle East. The mainstream media is primed with the public still unaware. This is another Iraq in the making. Join us to Stop The Attack on Iran.

Organised by Sheffield Momentum

Saturday 6th July Benefit for South Yorks Migrants and Asylum Action Group

1930 till 2200hrs University Arms Pub, 197 Brook Hill Sheffield S3 7HG

“Songs from Working Class Heroes- a History of Struggle in Song” Mat Callaghan and Yvonne Moore from Switzerland”. SYMAAG does sterling work in South Yorkshire campaigning for asylum seekers processing application, in detention or about to be deported. Your support would be most welcome. Tickets £10 + admin fee

Saturday 6th-Sunday 7th July Combatting the New Far Right

A TUC course for trade unionists in Yorkshire. Tackle the far right in your workplace & community. Bob Crow Education Centre | Doncaster | APPLY NOW: https://www.tuc.org.uk/TacklingFarRightYorkshire2019  

Workshops on the latest materials from TUC Education on having listening conversations and making convincing arguments. “Learn how not to get bogged down in facts and statistics. Gain the confidence to take these conversations head on! Learn how they are organising across Europe. From Salvini to the AfD, the far right is organising across Europe. Understanding how they support the UK’s far right is crucial for our work. We’ll learn how sisters & brothers in Germany are confronting them on an optional study visit to Berlin. Be part of trade unions’ historic duty to bar the way. We have an historic duty to bar the way to all racists and fascists. Learn about our history, and find out how you can play your part today.”

 Wednesday 10th July #DumpMetroDWPlies protest outside rail station

8.30 till 9.30am Outside Sheffield Rail Station. Protest against the DWP propaganda in the METRO. They are using OUR taxpayers’ money to tell us Universal Credit is good for you! We know the truth. Come and join us get the message across. Bring your banners, make a placard. Organised by Sheffield Stop and Scrap Universal Credit campaign

Wednesday 10th July Stop and Scrap Universal Credit Community Stall

11am till 1pm Manor Top shops. Please help us hand out leaflets, listen to real experiences of living on Universal Credit, offer sign posting advice etc. Organised by Sheffield Stop and Scrap Universal Credit campaign

Wednesday 10th July Sheffield Save Our NHS

7pm @ Central United Reform Church, 60 Norfolk Street, S1 2JB

Further cuts to our NHS are in the pipeline including cuts to maternity and paediatric services. Come and help plan the fightback.


Wednesday 10th July Sheffield People’s Assembly Public Debate & AGM

7pm @ Central United Reform Church, 60 Norfolk Street, S1 2JB

“Ending the Violence of Austerity” debate led by David Whyte – Liverpool University. David’s research and teaching focuses on the connections between law and corporate power…

‘ I have researched the regulation of business in a wide range of contexts –  including working conditions, institutional fraud and corruption, the economies of war and conflict, and the way that the law maintains and reproduces violence (as part of the ‘war on terror’, in the workplace and in austerity policies).

This is also our AGM, so we will present reports on activities & finance, and hold the annual elections of officers from 8.30 – 9pm.

 EVERYONE VERY WELCOME See attached flyer https://sheffieldtuc.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Peoples-Assembly-Public-Debate-AGM-10-July-2019.pdf

 Wednesday 17th July Stop and Scrap Universal Credit Community Stall

11am till 1pm Firth Park shops. Please help us hand out leaflets, listen to real experiences of living on Universal Credit, offer sign posting advice etc. Organised by Sheffield Stop and Scrap Universal Credit campaign

Tuesday 23rd July Sheffield TUC Delegate Meeting

7pm Trades and labour Club, 200 Duke Street S2 5QQ (please use side entrance eon Talbot Street). Speaker “Know the Line” anti-sexual harassment campaign. Our Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise campaign has shown up bullying and sexual harassment is commonplace among low paid super-exploited workers. Visitors who are trade union members are welcome – please sign in on the door.


Wednesday 24th July Public Meeting “Plan for Action against Climate Change”

6.30pm till 8pm venue tbc  Co-hosts: Campaign Against Climate Change (CACC), Sheffield Climate Alliance (SCA), Sheffield Trades Council (STUC) and Sheffield YouthStrike4Climate (YS4C), Earth Strike UK

It’s time to join forces and plan to support events in September, including proposed national action (e.g. school student strike) on 20th September. This initiative follows a successful debate on climate change hosted by Sheffield TUC in May.

Saturday 27th July Sheffield Pride

Assemble at 11.30am on Pear Street, S11 8JJ

Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/363362427627792/

Wednesday 31st July Sheffield Stop and Scrap Universal Credit meeting

1230hrs till 2pm United reform Church, 60 Norfolk Street Sheffield

Come and help as plan our next activities in this vital campaign. Supported by Sheffield TUC, Labour Party and several affiliated organisations

Thursday 1st August UNITE Community Day of Action v UNIVERSAL CREDIT

Sheffield Stop and Scrap Universal Credit is in talks with UNITE Community to hold a joint rally at 5pm outside Town Hall. Please await further details.