Thursday 14th January
SYMAAG Public Meeting: What is the Immigration Bill and how do we fight it?
With speaker Paul Blomfield MP 7-9pm (doors open at 6.30 for tea & biscuits)
Quaker Meeting House 10 St James’ St, Sheffield S1 2EW
Thursday 14th January
PCS/Peoples Assembly Campaign for No Cuts Budget 2016
7pm GMB Office, Norfolk Street. Planning meeting. Enquiries to Marion LLoyd PCS
Saturday 16th January
MOMENTUM Public Meeting on Trident. Speaker Dave Webb National Chair CND
2pm United Reform Chapel, Norfolk Street Sheffield S1
Tuesday 19th January
Sheffield Climate Alliance 6pm to 9pm at Victoria Hall Methodist Church, Norfolk Street S1 2JB (access from Chapel Walk)
Saturday 23rd January
Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign Benefit. 4pm Civic Theatre Barnsley
“The Orgreave Truth and Justic Campaign would like to thank local actor Danny Mellor for offering to perform his play ‘Undermined’ about the miners’ strike as a fundraiser for OTJC. We would like as many supporters as possible to come along to The Civic to be part of the experience, enjoy an interesting thought-provoking piece of entertainment and show their continuing support for our aim… Tickets £10/£7.50 concessions
Tuesday 26th January
Sheffield Trade Union Council delegate meeting 7pm Trades and Labour Club S2 5QQ
Speakers: bob Jeffery on PREVENT; Simon Murch ; NUTV Teachers’ Manifesto.
Visitors are welcome – please register at the door.
8th – 14th February TUC’s Week of Action against the Tories’ Trade Union Reform Bill
URGENT ! This is a big national push to raise the stakes in this fightback.
Please begin planning now for workplace activities e.g. special branch meetings, leafleting of members etc on 9th February and join activities e.g. street stalls, public meetings, rallies etc on 11th February. Materials will be available shortly from Regional TUC Office.
Monday 15th February
Stand up to Racism Public Meeting; Speaker Moazzam Begg (last UK detainee from Guantanamo) Venue and time to be confirmed
Saturday 12TH March
Sheffield Socialist Choir’s SINGING WORKSHOP to celebrate the legacy of Joe Hill
10.30 – 16.30 St Andrew’s, URC Upper Hanover St, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S3 7RQ
Marking the centenary of Joe Hill’s execution and celebrating his legacy of great political songs. Workshop fees: £20, £15, £10 depending on income – you choose!
To register ––sheffield/celebrate-the-legacy-of-joe-hill or contact –