Diary of Events –February/March 2022

Saturday 19th February Better Buses South Yorks Campaign stall

Join Better Buses and SCCUC and other climate groups this Saturday 19th Feb at 12pm on the Moor near Debenham’s to call on Dan Jarvis to start franchising our buses. We’ll also be leafleting to advertise our rally and lobby of their next meeting on March 4th. All supporters welcome to join us to spread the word!

Monday, 21st February  “Dying to Divorce” film

Cast in Doncaster 6.30pm, tickets £4.00. This showing is funded by ASLEF, the train driver’s union District 4 Council, ASLEF District 4 DO and Unite South Yorkshire Community, Youth Workers and Not for Profit Branch.   https://castindoncaster.com/whats-on/dying-to-divorce/

Filmed over 5 years, this film takes viewers into the heart of Turkey’s gender-based violence crisis and the recent political events that have severely eroded democratic freedoms. Please do all you can to support and please circulate with your branch members.

Tuesday 22nd February Sheffield TUC 165th AGM

Please join us for Sheffield TUC’s 165th from 7pm via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82932336922 Meeting ID: 829 3233 6922

Our speakers will be Jesse Palmer, our new Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise union organiser who has replaced Rohan Kon, and Gareth Lane BFAWU “Union Towns” co-ordinator. All trade unionists are invited to attend as visitors. Followed by presentation of 2021 Annual Report and elections of Officers and Executive Committee.

Tuesday 22nd February ACTAVO UNITE scaffolders strike Day of Action

N.B. The UNITE National Officer for Construction has postponed our action at Actavo, outside Scunthorpe Steel Works on the 22nd of February due sensitive talks taking place. Please pass on to your contacts.

Tuesday 22nd February to Saturday 26th February “Yes! Yes! UCS!” The Lantern Theatre Sheffield Sponsored by Unite. Celebrating 50 years -Townsend Theatre are bringing their new musical play (featuring the Sheffield Socialist choir) about the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders work-in. Brand new, musical play which chronicles the story of the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders ‘Work-in’ of 1971-72. Press night Wednesday 23rd February 2022. The show features Sheffield’s own Socialist Choir.

Powerful theatrical storytelling combines with live rock and folk music from the early 70s and graphic art animated projection to bring a meaningful message of hope, social justice and the fight for the right to work.” 

N.B. South Yorks Trades Councils are sponsoring another showing of “Yes, Yes UCS” at New York Stadium, Rotherham on Tuesday 12th April ( tickets £10 and £5 unwaged)

Wednesday 23rd February Sheffield Stand Up to Racism AGM

7pm Central United Reform Church, Norfolk Street.

“From the Trojan horse to racist murders – building the anti-racist resistance”

Public meeting & Sheffield SUTR annual general meeting. This is a hybrid meeting – you can join on zoom meeting ID 829 1264 5615 password 633634. (flyer attached)

Speakers include;

Cllr Abtisam Mohammed – Sheffield Race equality Commissioner

Sukdev Reel Mother of Ricky Reel

Ameen Hadi – Stand up to Racism

Iman Malik – Birmingham Trojan Horse Hoax

“Help us build this spread the word – join our stall in town on Saturday at Town hall at 1pm or help us leaflet workplaces. SUTR has called for days of action every Thursday in the run up to the demonstrations.  We want to organise mass street leafleting and campus and workplace activity. We will have masses of publicity available next Wednesday – including stickers and poster with local transport details”


Saturday 26th February SOS NHS National Day of Action

12 noon Sheffield Town Hall “SOS NHS is a new coalition of campaign groups and trade unions that are demanding emergency funding for the NHS from the Government to support services and staff and not the private sector.

Our strategic objective is to build the strongest alliance between unions, NHS campaigns, health and care staff, social movements and civil society organisations working in and for our communities, and to demand in the immediate term an emergency funding of £20bn for the NHS.


  • Approve emergency funding of £20 billion* to save lives this winter
  • Invest in a fully publicly owned NHS & guarantee free healthcare for future generations
  • Pay staff properly: without fair pay, staffing shortages will cost lives



 Friday 4th March Rally and Lobby of Mayor Dan Jarvis’s Office

Assemble in Fitzalan Square at 2pm then march down to the office on Broad St for 2.30pm. Organised by Better Buses South Yorkshire

Message from Fran Postlethwaite: “The S. Yorks Mayoral Combined Authority will be meeting to discuss issuing the notice of intent to franchise. Their meeting will start at 3.30pm. It would be great to have a good turnout of banners, placards and people to lobby this important meeting.  Please spread the word! There will be an online action in the run up to the meeting urging the leaders to set a clear timetable – I’ll send out the link once this is set up.”

Saturday 5th March  “Cost of Living Crisis – We Cant’ Pay”

People’s Assembly National Day of Action. We held a successful protest at short notice on 19th February outside the Town Hall which really struck a chord. Stand by for further details See flyer attached.  CCTUG cost of living flyer

Saturday 19th March  London demonstration for UN Anti-Racism Day

The coach will leave Paternoster Row for London at 8am. Another coach will be leaving Northern General Hospital – contact us if you want details

We have had fantastic sponsorship from NEU, Unite, Trades council, NUJ, Unison -so far but we need to start booking seats. And have booked coaches – cost is £25 waged £10 Unwaged –£ 5 for NEU members and branches that have subsidised transport (free to refugees and asylum seekers). Please get your ticket now https://bit.ly/M19SHEFSUTR

“There will be national demonstrations in London Glasgow and Cardiff. Racism and anti-migrant sentiment is growing and being used by the Tory Government here in the UK to divide us. It’s time to stand up against the Nationalities and Borders Bill and all the other trappings of the “Hostile Environment” weaponry being unleashed by the Government.”

Saturday March 19th Britain Needs A Pay Rise! Blackpool march and rally

Assemble 11am Bank Hey Street, Blackpool, FY1 4BJ GB. Organised by TUC Contact Info: info@tuc.org.uk

“Join the trade union movement in Blackpool on 19 March 2022 as the Conservative Party hold their spring conference to say loud and clear: Britain needs a pay rise! With energy bills and other costs rocketing but wages falling, the trade union movement will stand together to demand action on pay and the cost of living. It’s time to raise the minimum wage to a real living wage – and give a proper pay rise to public servants and all key workers. It’s time to give unions the right to bargain for higher pay in every workplace and every sector. And it’s time to boost universal credit to put more cash in the pockets of millions of families”

 Saturday 26th March Climate Summit – Just Transition and Climate Jobs

10am til 4pm Quaker Meeting House. One day summit with workshops organised by Sheffield Climate Campaign Umbrella Group. See flyer attached SCCUmbrella (COP26) Coalition – Climate Jobs Flyer

Following the COP26 talks in November we need to keep up the pressure for investment in our green future – it won’t happen without us!

Climate Jobs: Building a workforce for the climate emergency is the new booklet produced by Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Group (CCCTUC) and provides a detailed and in-depth update of the One Million Climate Jobs report, demonstrating that there are many more than a million good, well paid, skilled jobs that could be created if we get serious and urgently tackle the climate emergency, as the science demands.

To do this we need to invest in a huge expansion of public sector jobs across all sectors from transport, energy and food to homes, education and more, which are essential to tackling the climate crisis.

The summit will be an opportunity to discuss and focus on the need for a National Climate Service which can organise, plan, train workers and deliver the jobs so urgently needed. The changes needed are ones which will improve our lives, ensuring among other things we have warm, affordable homes, a fully integrated public transport system and most importantly a safe climate and ecology now and in the future.

 We want the summit to focus on bringing together and building a movement in South Yorkshire for this essential climate jobs and a transformation of our economy (locally, nationally and globally) that benefits workers and communities and genuinely helps slash emissions with the necessary speed. We would like as many of the climate groups, trade unions, youth strikers, community groups and individuals in the Umbrella Coalition to be involved in helping shape the summit (including providing local speakers for the workshops etc


Saturday 26th March  Protest Jimmy Carr- Visit to Sheffield

Outside Sheffield City Hall. Organised by Sheffield Stand up to Racism. “Following his sickening “joke “about the deaths of Sinti and Roma people in the Holocaust we want to organise a protest to say the Holocaust is no laughing matter. Details will follow”

 Tuesday 12th April “Yes! Yes! UCS” – 50th anniversary theatre

7pm New York Stadium, Rotherham. N.B. venue chosen for good public transport link from Sheffield via train or tram. Sponsored showing supported by Sheffield TUC, Rotherham TUC and Union Branches. Tickets £10 and £5 unwaged. Will include a speaker and discussion

Townsend Theatre are bringing their new musical play (featuring the Sheffield Socialist choir) about the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders work-in. Brand new, musical play which chronicles the story of the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders ‘Work-in’ of 1971-72. Press night Wednesday 23rd February 2022.

“Powerful theatrical storytelling combines with live rock and folk music from the early 70s and graphic art animated projection to bring a meaningful message of hope, social justice and the fight for the right to work.” 

Saturday 21st May “With Banners Held High!” march , music, poetry, stalls and politics

Wakefield TUC continues to build this annual event on the theme “the Past We Inherit; a Green Future We Build!” See flyer attached. We await further details. This an all day and evening events in Wakefield.



Weekend 18th-19th June LGND Worker Climate Conference

Venue: Foodhall, Brown Street, Sheffield, S1 2BS. Organised by Labour for a Green New Deal.

LGND aims to contribute to the necessary development of a worker movement which can address climate change by hosting a national ‘Worker-Climate Conference’, in the aftermath of Labour Party Conference and COP26. To achieve this, LGND’s Trade Union team will bring together the range of organisers engaged in this work, to build relationships; discuss experience; and plan future strategy.

In between now and June, we are planning a series of 4 online sessions to supplement the in-person work at the conference.

The dates for these online sessions are:

Saturday 19th February, 10:30-12:30

Topic: Evaluation of Worker-Climate Organising in 2020/21

Saturday 19th March, 10:30-12:30

Topic: Just Transition and Worker Power

Saturday 23rd April, 10:30-12:30 (TBC)

Topic: Local Organising

Saturday 28th May, 10:30-12:30 (TBC)

Topic: Models for Organising in UK Unions