Saturday 31st October 10.30am Cavalcade then rally at 12 noon
Stop the job Loss Nightmare – Extend Furlough (Sheffield street event)
To join the cavalcade, please bring your motor vehicle to Hicks Building, Hounslow Road. Please print/make posters to stick in car windows – some will be available at the start. Cavalcade will call at Hallamshire Hospital, Firth Court (University of Sheffield), Job Centre West Street, HMRC Young Street and then join public rally outside Town Hall at 12 noon.
Saturday 31st October 12 noon
Stop the job Loss Nightmare – Extend Furlough (national online event)
This Saturday People before Profit are hosting a special event – combining an online rally with live link up to protests across the UK. Hosted by People Before Profit, Bristol Corona Crisis, People Before Profit Network and 5 others
FB event please click to say you are going and invite other people
We are approaching a cliff edge of job losses as the furlough scheme winds up on October 31st. It’s predicted that many thousands of people will be unemployed unless the government changes tack. The government’s continual prioritisation of profit over people’s health and lives has meant that we are facing a pandemic that is racing out of control, underfunding of services, kids going hungry this winter and a test and trace system falling apart at the seems. We need a fightback in communities across the UK to demand that ordinary people don’t pay for the virus with their lives or their living standards.
Join a protest in your locality if you are able or watch the rally that will link up protests on Facebook Live.
Saturday 31st October 4pm – 6pm
Latinx Youth in Resistance speak out: Voices from the frontline in struggle and resistance in South America
Latinx Youth speak out October 31 flyer 2
To register for free event:
Meet ¶ Young people fighting in the front line in Colombia against ecological destruction by UK-based mining corporations; ¶ indigenous youth in Bolivia who helped sweep the far-right government from power in last week’s elections; ¶ young Chilean medics, first responders assisting victims of police violence against peaceful protests; ¶ Mexico youth defending their communities against drug gangs hand in glove with cops; ¶ young revolutionaries in Venezuela and Cuba leading the defence of their countries against imperialist aggression and the coronavirus pandemic.
Monday 2nd November 7pm
Free online event by Sheffield Anti-Racist Education
There has been a huge new wave of activity and thought advancing anti-racist education this year. This opening session of the first SHARE conference is an ideal opportunity to identify the anti-racist education we need to have if we are to make big advances in the delivery of anti-racist education: including, the process of decolonising the curriculum.
Our other conference sessions will explore in more detail the issues raised.
Chair: Sahail Chohan. Our panel: Huda Ahmed; Rob Cotterell; Karen Mee; Gulwali Passarlay; Grace Thambyrajah
#BlackLivesMatter #Anti_Racist_Education #Decolinise_the_curriculum
Tuesday 3rd November 7pm
South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG)
Fortnightly meeting. 7.00pm start. Zoom meeting
Tuesday 3rd November 7pm
Fighting for Education in a COVID World
Education workers and students unite to resist the attacks. Speakers from NEU, UCU, UNISON, UNITE and students. Supported by Sheffield TUC CV19 Council of Action.
Online meeting via Zoom: Meeting ID: 720 435 6476 Passcode: 285476
Wednesday 4th November 6pm outside Sheffield Town Hall
Anti-Trump Rally on the day after the US Presidential Election
Protest or celebration? It will either be “a farewell to bad rubbish” event or a “Trump must go- Black Lives Matter ” event.
Thursday 5th November 6.30pm.
The US, Latin America, neo-liberalism & alternatives today – Rafael Correa & Jeremy Corbyn In Conversation.
Just two days after the US Presidential election, join Rafael Correa and Jeremy Corbyn in conversation on ‘The US, Latin America, neo-liberalism & alternatives today.’
Administered by Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America in association with Enlace Latinoamericano Europeo Version Ecuador, Colectivo Ecuador Rikchary en United Kingdom, Friends of Ecuador, the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign & a range of organisations & publications. Kindly streamed by ‘Arise – A Festival of Labour’s Left Ideas’ – please contact the event directly with any questions
Wednesday 11th November 7pm
The Matchgirls – Radical History
Meeting ID: 891 4966 1727
Passcode: matchgirls…
We are thrilled to bring this very special event, with guest speaker Sam Johnson, who will explore Southampton’s radical history and the rich connections to The Matchgirls Strike story. Sam is the Chair of the Board of Trustees for The Matchgirls Memorial and also the Great Granddaughter of Sarah Chapman. Having discovered Sarah’s role in the Strike towards the end of 2016, Sam has thrown herself into commemorating the achievements of the Matchgirls in 1888. This special on-line event is free and everybody is welcome. Discover Southampton’s rich connections to The Matchgirls Strike – a story of working class solidarity and women’s empowerment.
Hosted by: Unite Community Southampton Area
Find out more about the Matchgirls Strike:
Saturday 14th November 11 am to 12.30 pm
Conference panel discussion – How do we overcome the obstacles to anti-racist education and the decolonisation of the curriculum?
Join the zoom meeting here: Meeting ID: 868 5254 8151. Passcode: 527702
The recent government pronouncements on what can be taught in schools is a further intentional barrier to advancing anti-racist education. However, the toppling of the statues that celebrated racism in Bristol and elsewhere, as well as the explosion of anti-racist education campaigning across the country, proves that profound progress is within our grasp. The panel will introduce a discussion on how best we can move forward.
Speakers confirmed
Rumbi Mukoyi
Danny Dorling
Kathryn Bennett
Abdul Shaif
Tuesday 24th November 7pm-8.30pm
Sheffield TUC Delegate Meeting. Zoom online meeting – link and relevant paperwork is sent to delegates nearer the date
Tuesday 24th November 7pm-8pm
Institute of Employment Rights (IER) Employment Law Update Part 1:
In part 1 of the series, our expert panel will focus on the dirtiest aspects of worker exploitation that have arisen during the pandemic, such as fire-and-rehire; pregnancy discrimination; and rudderless health and safety protocols. Register here:
Wednesday 25th November 7pm
John McDonnell, Richard Burgon & Apsana Begum – For a #PeoplesPlan to Defend Jobs & Livelihoods
The economic crisis we face is set to be the worst any of us have experienced. Join us to discuss how we transform our economy and society to ensure that people’s jobs, livelihoods and health come first. Join over 10,000 others in supporting the #PeoplesPlan at
Register here:
Thursday 26th November 7pm-8pm
Institute of Employment Rights (IER) Employment Law Update Part 2:
In part 2, our experts will update delegates on the implications of this year’s case law and discuss the new threat of employer surveillance through technologies adopted to promote home working. Register here:
Friday 30 October: Protest outside the offices of Tory MP for Penistone & Stocksbridge. ‘Support free meals for vulnerable children‘. 1pm until 2pm. Venue: Maria House, 3 Fox Valley Way, Sheffield, S36 2AA. Please ensure masks are worn and social distancing is adhered to.