Diary of Events April May June 2023

Saturday 15th April     Student protest against Spies on Students

12PM, Saturday 15th April, the concourse outside University of Sheffield Students Union

The University of Sheffield has hired private investigators to spy on student activists.

We are calling a protest to protect freedom of speech and the right to protest on campus.

The Festival of Debate starts Thursday 13 Ap ril.

The events – face to face meetings & online meetings  – are grouped under 3 headings – Climate Crisis, Inequalities, Citizenship & Democracy with some very interesting sessions.

Follow the first link to view the whole programme – 13 April – 26 May.


The second link is to a specific meeting about Julian Assange – SECRET POWER & WIKILEAKS & ITS ENEMIES on Friday 26 May.


Please circulate around your networks

Saturday 15th April Yorkshire Solidarity Summit

10.30am to 3pm Victoria Hall, Norfolk Street, Sheffield

The aims are to build on the excellent ongoing work of community organisers across Yorkshire to ensure we are aggregating our power, working together to tackle the numerous challenges facing refugees and migrants and effectively bringing about the most needed changes. It is an opportunity for people organising on different issues with communities to start coming together to identify and work jointly on causes of common interest.

The Summit will include excellent speakers, workshops, food, information stalls, networking and food and music with a focus on community organising, radiating love in these difficult times and knowledge sharing. 

The target audience for this event is people who are presently organising or campaigning (and those ready to start organise) for migrant rights, justice and against the racist hostile environment. We encourage people to come along to help shape the future of your grassroots network in Yorkshire. However, due to the venue’s capacity limits, we would ask that you nominate not more than 6 members from your group/organisation. Participation is free but delegates are required to register in advance so we can make the necessary logistical arrangements.

For more details about the event and to get your FREE ticket please REGISTER HERE

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you on the day!

In solidarity!
Sarli Nana, Melinda Momartinez and Annie Feetham on behalf of the Planning Group

Sarli Nana, Migrant Organiser, Yorkshire & the Humber Region 


Wednesday 19th April Better Buse South Yorkshire Campaign meeting

1400hrs till 1515hrs online


Meeting ID: 842 3669 8968  Passcode: 698590  Everyone is welcome to come along and join the discussion of next steps in our campaign.

Since our last meeting we have had the very lively  lobby of the Enhanced Partnership Board meeting at the SYMCA, which hit the front pages of the Sheffield Telegraph and was covered by the Sheffield Star, and we have also had a well-attended campaign stall in Barnsley which gathered over 160 signatures on our petition in an hour and a half.  Thanks to everyone who joined these activities and helped make them so successful.

Wednesday 19th April Sheffield Save Our NHS Annual General Meeting

7pm Central United Reform Church 60 Norfolk St Sheffield S1 2JB and on zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81207573911?pwd=ZXR1TUV1djZxTHhBRTZaK3orc1RKQT09

Meeting ID: 812 0757 3911 Passcode: 460172

Keynote speaker: Onay Kasab UNITE National Officer for Health. Other invited speakers: BMA – British Medical Association; Nurse from either RCN /Unison/GMB


How do we rebuild the NHS, attract and retain staff, build moral, cut the waiting lists, increase bed capacity, solve ambulance waiting times and end privatisation and the threat of US style health services?

The SSONHS Annual General Meeting will also receive reports on our activities for the past year and elect the officers for the next year




9.00PM – CLOSE


We will be electing 4 officer positions – CHAIR, SECRETARY, TREASURER AND PRESS/MEDIA SECRETARY. If you would like to be considered for any of these positions, please send your nomination to mickpsuter@gmail.com by 5pm Monday 17th April.  If no nominations are received for any position, we will take nominations from the floor of the AGM.

21st -24th April “The Big One” XR protest events in London

Sheffield XR has extended an invitation to Sheffield trade unionists to join them for a weekend of protests/music/events in London and to gather 100,000 people at the Houses of Parliament. A “groundbreaking alliance” of organisations have announced their commitment to support ‘The Big One’ this April. From environmental charities like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, to health groups like NHS Workers Say No and Greener Practice; to justice groups including Global Justice Now, Black Lives Matter local groups and Don’t Pay UK, a wide range of organisations will be taking part in The Big One this April. As this will be a peaceful protest, prioritising attendance over arrest, and relationships over roadblocks, it looks as though many people who wouldn’t previously have thought of attending might now decide to take part

Focus for Friday 21st April

A number of South Yorkshire groups will be focusing their Friday protests on the Department for Transport, and will be backing the Better Buses For South Yorkshire campaign.  Fast, reliable public transport is an environmental & social justice issue. Nearly a quarter of services in South Yorkshire are currently under threat of being cut. This allows us to take an important message to London, and to get publicity for it in our local press here.

Earth Day – Saturday 22nd April

Saturday 22nd April is Earth Day. There will be an enormous celebration and family-friendly march for biodiversity. With costumes, music, and giant puppets, as people unite for nature, biodiversity and the planet!

Coach Travel for 21 and 22 April

We’ve arranged two coaches for the Friday (one’s already fully booked!), and one for the Saturday, with prices to suit everyone’s ability to pay. They’ll pick up 6.30am  from Paternoster Row, Sheffield, and Meadowhall coach park first thing, and return in the evening. Fares are from £10 – £30.

Book your seat through Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/sheffieldmeadowhall-coaches-to-the-big-one-18908344342

If the cost would prevent you from going, please email xrsheffield@gmail.com

Saturday 22nd April Free Radicals Benefit for VIDA

doors open 7.30pm Crookes Social Club, Mulehouse Rd fundraising event in support of Vida Sheffield. See flyer attached Vida Benefit w Free Radicals 22April2023
Vida is an independent women’s voluntary sector organisation, delivering specialist domestic and sexual abuse services, and campaigning with partners towards an end to domestic abuse, and violence against women and girls, (vidasheffield.org.uk).
The marvellous Nisha Lall will warm us up with her Be Awesome: dance for wellbeing taster, with feelgood tunes and styles from around the world.
Then the fabulous Free Radicals will keep your toes tapping with classic dance tunes from way back when.
No need to book – donations on the door!
Hope to see you there,
All the best, Jon.

Tuesday 25th April “Rage Against the Machine: Young People and Politics”

A Festival of Debate event at the Leadmill. Hosted by Sheffield Future’s Young Advisors.

“We will be exploring power as a young person within the current political climate. Drawing on different perspectives, the debate will consider the intricacies of our political system and what it means to be of voting age in 2023. On the panel will be poltical activists, a politician and a police officer to tackle questions surrounding voting apathy, the new protest bills, and how young people can remain optimistic and empowered. After the debate, we will have around 8 stalls for audience members to engage with, such as how to register to vote from the council; protest groups signing up volunteers; young people’s charities that champion youth voice to get involved with and we would love to have trade union representation there also for young people to get informed and get involved with”

Friday 28th April  International Workers Memorial Day

1230hrs till 1315hrs outside Sheffield Town Hall. Organised by Sheffield TUC

Remember the Dead – Fight for the Living!”

International Day of Action on Health and Safety at Work. Wreath laying ceremony and speeches. Please arrange for your union branch or other organisation to lay a wreath by the Memorial Tree. You may of course arrange this with any florist but we have made arrangements with Townend Florist to take orders for wreaths from £35 upwards and deliver them to the event on the day. To discuss your order please ring Louise Nicholson tel 01142544477  www.townendflorist.co.uk/Contact_Us.aspx The Lord Mayor has been invited to open the event. Please bring your banners!

More information here: IWMD 2023


Jawad Qasrawi, Hazards

SARAG speaker (Yorks and Humberside Asbestos Support Group)

Jack Czauderna -Doctors in UNITE and COVID/clean air in workplaces campaigner

Ritzwana Lala Public Health specialist, academic  and campaigner

Holly Johnston GMB NHS workers and campaingner

Stand Up to Racism speaker; Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise speaker


Monday 1st May “Workers Day!” Sheffield May Day Parade and Rally

Sheffield TUC will once again be organising a May Day parade with a rally and speeches.

Assemble Devonshire green 12 noon. The parade will then set off via Fitzwilliam Street, Fitzwilliam Gate, The Moor, Pinstone Street and Barkers Pool with a final rally with speakers on City Hall steps 1315hrs to 1400hrs. Please make sure your union branch is represented. Bring your banners! Speakers include Musheir al-Farra, Sheffield Palestine Solidarity campaign; Maria Vasquez-Aguilar, Sheffield Chile Solidarity Campaign; trade union speakers and speakers on climate and Stand Up to Racism

Important note -everyone is invited! We welcome all those campaigning for peace, justice, race/gender equality, climate, international solidarity, workers’ and migrants rights, end to poverty, and community campaigns

N.B. We welcome offers to sing/play music before, during and after the Parade

Volunteers to be stewards for the parade needed. Please email tucsheffield@gmail.com

After the rally we are pleased to announce the showing of “Bread and Roses” film at the Quakers Meeting House, St James Street at 2.30pm followed by a discussion on working class fightback held by Sheffield TUC

This is part of the Sheffield Radical film Festival: radical films, discussions and workshops taking place from 2pm till 9pm at the Sheffield Quakers meeting house. “Spirit of 45” will be shown at 1800hrs. Tickets £4.50 from Eventbrite for each screening. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-sheffield-radical-film-festival-tickets-556466374907

Saturday 13th May  With Banners Held High!

11am and all day, Wakefield. Labour and trade union history and cultural event with speeches, poetry, music and theatre. Bring your banners!

Saturday 13th May  Latin America on the Frontline

Quaker Meeting House, 10 St Jame’s Street, Sheffield S1 2EW.

Registration + tea/coffee from 0945hrs. Welcome/introduction 1015hrs. Choice of workshops morning/afternoon. Final plenary 1500hrs-1615hrs. Registration £10, £5 unwaged

Latin America Day School with workshops Organised by Sheffield Cuba Solidarity Campaign. Supported by Sheffield TUC and others. See flyer attached Latin America Dayschool 2023 flyer

Please spread this information far and wide! We are very excited to be planning a Latin America Day School


Sheffield Cuba Solidarity Campaign


Thursday 25th May Banner Theatre “Enough is Enough!”

7pm Trades and Labour Club in the concert room.

Brilliant, funny, political – Banner Theatre tells the truth you don’t hear through the media, using theatre and song – and always has an inspiring message.

Only just booked so tickets not available yet. We hope to keep prices as low as possible e.g. approx. £10 but we need donations from union branches to help cover the cost of the event. Bar is open before, during interval and after the show. Put it in your diaries now!

Organised by Sheffield TUC in conjunctions with Rotherham TUC




Saturday 17th June  Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign anniversary rally

Assemble 1pm City Hall, Barkers Pool, Sheffield S1 2JA


Yvette Williams – Director, Justice For Grenfell
Mark Serwotka – General Secretary,  Public & Commercial Services Union (PCS)
Morag Livingstone – Film director, Author & Activist
Chris Kitchen – General Secretary, National Union of Mineworkers (NUM)
Neil Findlay – Former Member of the Scottish Parliament
Jodie Beck – Policy & Campaigns Officer, Liberty
John Dunn – Arrested striking miner, Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign

COMPERES: Chris Peace and Joe Rollin  – Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign

MUSIC: UNITE Brass Band and PCS Samba Band

Facebook event here please invite your friends


You can download Posters & Leaflets here https://otjc.org.uk/orgreave-rally-2023/


Saturday 17th June “Campaigning for outstanding bus services”

11am – 4pm National conference Hybrid event – in York face to face, and on Zoom.

The conference has been called by the Yorkshire and Humber Pensioners Convention (YHPC) with the aim of bringing together all those groups across the UK concerned about our failing bus services to build national campaigns for the funding and legislative changes we need.


Saturday 17th Sunday 18th June National Trades Councils Conference

TUC Congress House, London. Trades Councils from England and Wales will meet to discuss campaigns and strategy for 2023/24.

Unfortunately some of us will be attending so we won’t all make it to the other events on this weekend! MM.


Saturday 9th September Rally in memory of Pinochet’s coup in Chile

Come to our 50th anniversary vigil at Sheffield Town Hall for the 11th of September, which this year includes a march to a commemorative event at the Quakers Meeting House. (Note: this will be taking place on the Saturday as the 11th falls on a Monday)