Friday 13th April Frances O’Grady TUC Gen. Sec. “Brexit & Yorkshire: A year to go?”
9am-5pm Duke Studios, 3 Sheaf St, Leeds, LS10 1HD
We are delighted to confirm that TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady has been added to the line-up for our “Brexit and Yorkshire: A year to go?” conference on Friday 13 April in Leeds. She’ll be joining a host of stakeholders and experts from around the region to discuss the risks and priorities of Brexit for Yorkshire. Register below for our conference taking place at Duke Studios,
For the full agenda and registration page, follow this link
Saturday 14th April 2018 March to Defend Our NHS in Leeds,
Assemble 11.30 outside Leeds Art Gallery, The Headrow LS1 3AA. March and rally organised by Leeds Keep Our NHS Public & Yorkshire Health Campaigns Together. Speakers include Karen Lee, Labour MP from Lincoln, nurse by profession and Shadow Minister for Fire; and Colin Hutchinson from Calderdale who is Chair of Doctors for the NHS and party to one of the two national Judicial Reviews trying to stop the implementation of Accountable Care Organisations. See flyer attached
Sunday 15th April ‘RED BREAD’ & ROSES The George Fletcher Society –Socialist Sundays
2pm – 4pm Old Queens’ Head, Pond Hill S1 2BG. – Discussions on current issues, our socialist history, international solidarity, theory & practice. The food industry, fast food workers, working conditions & welfare over the last 100 years. George Fletcher – of Fletchers Bakery -was a well known socialist and Bakers’ Union activist. He was jailed for his campaigns on free speech, opposed the First World War, was elected to Sheffield Trades & Labour Council, worked alongside the ILP, served on the Sheffield Board of Guardians, and was a founder member of the Communist Party. EVERYONE WELCOME
Organised by South Yorkshire CPB
Tuesday 24th April Sheffield Trade Union Council Delegate Meeting
7pm Trades and Labour Club, 200 Duke Street Sheffield S2 5QQ. Speaker to be confirmed. Visitors who are trade union members are welcome. Is your union branch affiliated? for details.
Thursday 26th April “Dispossession – The Great Social Housing Swindle” film showing
7pm Trades and Labour Club 200 Duke Street. Hard-hitting documentary on Britain’s housing crisis. A must see! Plus discussion led by Carrie Hedderwick Sheffield Peoples Assembly and Mark Seddon, Labour Party. Sponsored by Sheffield Trade Union Council. Doors/bar open 6.30pm. £5 (£3 conc) available on the door. See flyer attached
Saturday 28th April International Workers Memorial Day
1230hrs till 1330hrs by the memorial tree outside Sheffield Town hall on Pinstone Street. Speakers and a minute’s silence to Remember the Dead and Fight for the Living. A world-wide trade union health and safety event recognising the vital work done by trade unions in protecting people at work – and fighting for essential legal rights. All welcome. Bring your banners. Branches are invited to lay a wreath by the Memorial Tree. Flyer attached STUC Workers Memorial Day event 28th April
Saturday 28th April NHS Demonstration and rally
It is hoped this rally will be coordinated to follow the Sheffield TUC Workers Memorial Day ceremony outside the Town Hall 12.30pm till 1.30pm. Provisionally, we expect to assemble at Barkers Pool at 1.30pm and march to Hallamshire Hospital. Bring your banners! Organised by Sheffield Save Our NHS, Health Unions Together and Peoples Assembly. NOTE: details of march subject to confirmation
Saturday 28th April Sheffield Socialist Choir- Singing for Change Workshop, Sheffield
10 am – 4pm Weston Park Museum. Sheffield Socialist Choir will be 30 this year and as part of our celebrations we are organising a day workshop designed to complement the exhibition “Changing Lives: 200 years of People and Protest in Sheffield”. Our Musical Director, Janet Wood will teach us easy to learn songs relating to change past and present. We will close the day by singing inside and outside the Museum. We’d love you to join us so please book your place now through Museums Sheffield at:
More information on our website and Facebook pages or via email to Sheffield Socialist Choir:
Saturday 12th May TUC London march “We demand a new deal for working people!”
Coach travel is being arranged from Sheffield and South Yorkshire.
Sheffield TUC says “Sheffield Trade Union Council and “Sheffield NEEDS a Pay Rise!” Campaign are fully supporting the TUC’s march and rally in London. Here in Sheffield, we know all about low wages, zero hours contracts, bogus self-employment and the bleak future for young workers. We need more rights at work not less. We need effective trade union rights to force employers to recognise trade unions and engage in collective bargaining. Trade unions need to be able to take strike action without the anti-union restrictions placed on them. We need £10 per hour minimum wage NOW! We NEED a new deal for working people!”
Please see the following links for more information TUC March and Rally 12th May 2018_A5_Flyer page 1
Please download and print off attached TUC leaflet, or access them yourself from the TUC website
Sheffield TUC has negotiated the following deal with UNITE who are putting on coach transport free for UNITE members and their families. Non-UNITE members can book seats with the UNITE coaches for just £10. This is an astonishingly good price and demonstrates everyone’s commitment to encourage the maximum attendance at the TUC demo on Saturday 12th May
To book your seat, please email at UNITE’s Meadowhall Office or ring her on 0114 3210702 (office hours Mon-Fri). PLEASE BOOK EARLY AS SEATS PLACES MAY BE LIMITED
N.B. We are in discussion with Sheffield Peoples Assembly about booking a further coach(es) in the expectation there will be huge demand. Watch out for further details
Saturday 16th June, Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign Rally
34th year commemoration of the 18/6/1984. 1pm start, meeting on the spare land as previously on Orgreave Lane. All are welcome and please bring banners, placards etc and spread the word.
“Changing Lives: 200 years of People and Protest in Sheffield”.
Tuesday 6th February to Sunday 1st July Western Park Museum daily (entrance free). Explore Sheffield’s remarkable history of protest and activism, from the Radical Press of the 1700s, through to the miners’ and steelworkers’ strikes, and causes championed in the city today. Changing Lives is part of our 2018 Protest & Activism season supported by the Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund marking the 100th anniversary of the Representation of the People Act. Changing Lives will be complemented at the Millennium Gallery by Hope is Strong, a new exhibition exploring the power of art to question and challenge the world we live in.