6.30 pm Monday 12th April Sheffield Stop the Police Bill public meeting
“Join this open meeting to discuss what we can do together to stop this bill and what our strategy will be over the coming months. Much help is needed to make sure we are heard when we say that Sheffield rejects the bill!
We’ll hear from speakers (TBC) about the ways in which this bill will limit the rights and freedoms of people in our city and across the country, and ways that we’re already organising to stop it becoming law. Anyone who would like to further discuss how they can contribute will then have the opportunity to break off into smaller discussion groups. If you’d like to get involved but don’t feel able to take part in these groups, we’ll also share a form to collect expressions of interest.”
Pre-register for the zoom meeting via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYlf-igrjgrG9HmQNhncQaGTaCM7sGZ3BjS?fbclid=IwAR0ybuF_Kr8gQkvLcV94hiTEcBLKqA5m_Z3gzy4CVgCArfvWKNecxOy6r0w
If pre-registrations exceed 100, we will also livestream this event via YouTube (link to follow).
7pm Tuesday 13th April SYMAAG “Let’s Get Organised!”
“SYMAAG has organised this special event to discuss Priti Patel’s latest attack on migrants and how asylum-rights organisations should respond to this. We want to decide what our campaigning priorities should be over the next year and we are inviting representatives from sympathetic organisations to this working meeting. We want your ideas! Please reply for zoom login details symaagcentral@gmail.com
Keep up with SYMAAG activities on our new-look website, Twitter @SYMAAG and Facebook page. Stuart Crosthwaite, Secretary, South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG)
7pm Wednesday 14th April “Stop the corporate takeover of GP surgeries”
Sheffield Save Our NHS (SSONHS) is inviting you to join this Zoom Meeting for a discussion.
Private companies such as Centene and Operose are threatening to take over GP practises, come and listen to Jack Czauderna explain how we can oppose theses privatisations.
Plus: Update on NHS pay and Health and Safety Campaign: Report from Health Campaigns Together: KONP – Covid Peoples Inquiry: PRESS & MEDIA SCRUTINY COMMITTEE: AOB
All welcome. Many thanks Mick Suter Chair SSONHS
Topic: SSONHS MEETING Time: Apr 14, 2021 07:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 841 7621 6479 Passcode: 979132
7pm Thursday 15th April SYMAAG Local Elections Hustings “Vote for Welcome – Asylum Rights”
SYMAAG will ask each of the Council candidates to give a short statement on the following questions on behalf of their political parties:
- What should a city of sanctuary look like 2021?
- How would we resist the hostile environment if elected?
Following these statements, we will open up questions to everyone at the hustings to allow for local people to challenge and question the candidates and their parties on their views and ambitions for Sheffield.
Free registration here See flyer attached
17th and 23rd April Sheffield City Council Environmental Hustings
Six online events will be held across the city between 17th and 23rd April organised by a range of groups from Sheffield Climate Alliance.
Sheffield’s response to the climate and nature emergencies facing us will be a key issue at the local elections on 6th May are organising a series of online hustings across the city to ask candidates about these issues. Members of the public will be able to ask where the parties stand on a range of environmental issues. These are likely to include Clean Air, Green Jobs, Active Travel, Nature Recovery, Green Energy, Waste & Recycling, Public Transport and Sheffield City Council’s plans to meet their 2030 Net Zero Carbon target. This has never been done in Sheffield before, but the need to do so has never been more urgent or relevant.
As we are looking forward to the easing of the Covid lockdown, there is much talk about building back better and recognition of the urgency of developing strategies that will also ensure we address the dangers of an impending environmental crisis.
For further details, please feel free to contact
Lindy Stone (Sheffield Friends of the Earth) lindystone@btinternet.com 07763462200
Mike Tomson (Greener Practice) tomsonmike72@gmail.com 07794913945
11am Friday 23rd April South Yorkshire Better Buses Zoom call
Following the recent publication of the Government’s Buses Strategy Paper “Bus Back Better”, the campaign is concentrating its efforts on getting Dan Jarvis, City Region Mayor to commit to bus franchising. You can read for yourself the Government’s Bus Back Better document here: Bus back better – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Please do ask your union branch/Labour party/other organisation to adopt the model motion attached.Motion to Dan Jarvis – commit to bus franchising NOW!
If you can, please write to Dan Jarvis and your Labour Council Leader telling them why we need them to agree to franchising as the best option currently available to bring back buses under some form of local control.
If you would like to join the next zoom meeting of Better Buses South Yorkshire on then please email Fran Postlethwaite <fran.pos10@gmail.com> to send you the link
7pm Tuesday 27th April Sheffield TUC delegate meeting
Speaker: Rohan Kon our Sheffield union organiser will give an update on her vital work organising young workers in our city. Plus many other discussions and updates about event sin and around our city of interest to the trade union movement. Delegates are of course welcome but visitors who are trade union members are also welcome to attend. Zoom link to follow.
11am Wednesday 28th April “Wreath Laying Ceremony for International Workers Memorial Day
By the Memorial Tree outside Sheffield Town Hall on Pinstone Street. Organised by Sheffield TUC. We are asking each union branch (or other organisation) to lay a wreath to mark this important day in the trade union health and safety calendar. “Remember the Dead- Fight for the Living”. To be followed by a short silent protest holding placards for photoshoot (to use on social media).
Please note: due to COVID restrictions we are not encouraging a big attendance. Please ensure your union branch or organisation sends only one of two representatives to take part. The event will be videoed and placed on social media.
See attached flyer for more details Sheffield TUC International Workers Memorial Day event 28th April 2021
1230hrs Wednesday 28th April Sheffield’s International Workers Memorial Day zoom meeting “Remember the Dead- Fight for the Living”.
Sheffield TUC will be hosting a public zoom meeting from 1230 to 1330hrs to mark this special day in the trade union health and safety calendar. This annual event commemorates the many workers who die from injuries or illness contracted at work. This year and last year, it has an added poignancy due to COVID: the Government’s disregard for trade union concerns about COVID safety in workplaces has hugely contributed to the massive UK COVID death tally. National and local speakers invited from trade unions, health campaigns and Labour Party.
Zoom link and final list of speakers to follow. All welcome.
7pm Thursday 29th April SYMAAG “Talks for Change”
“Join us for the third in our series of our Talks for Change on healthcare for people in the asylum system. To discuss how the hostile environment permeates the NHS and how we achieve healthcare for all during a pandemic we’re joined by:
- Simba Mujakachi discussing the Justice for Simba campaign
- Rayah Feldman of Maternity Action to discuss migrant women’s access to NHS maternity services
- Sophie Williams, fighting borders in the NHS with Medact Sheffield and Docs Not Cops
And plenty of time for questions and discussion. Free registration here
Saturday 1st May International Workers Day
Sheffield TUC is currently considering whether to hold a real or virtual rally to mark International Workers Day. A socially-distanced event with stewards is being actively considered. Please watch this space for more details.
Sunday 2nd May Sheffield Climate Summit
Sheffield Climate Umbrella Group is making plans to hold its third online Climate Summit, probably during the afternoon. It’s time to make plans for COP 26 and the National Day of Action on 6th November. There’s also much to discuss about local campaigning work with the Councils and the City Region Mayor. “Building Back Better” must mean any public monies use to regenerate the local economy must be actively used to create good green jobs and combat climate change. No green washing!
Further details when plans are concluded.