Diary of Events 5th November 2015

Monday 9th November “Mouthpiece presents…Asian Youth Movement6pm, Regather Works Club 57-59 Club Garden Road, Sheffield.  #1 in a series of radical histories talks, that seek to connect local communities with their history. The Asian Youth Movement was an anti-racist network in Sheffield that sought to combat growing fascist street violence from the National Front and a police force that was not effectively protecting South Asian communities. Speakers include Matloub who was central to Sheffield’s Asian Youth Movement in the early 1980s, and Dr Anandi Ramamurthy, who has written an excellent book on the AYM called ‘Black Star’.

£2 suggested donation (though this is only if people can afford it).

Book tickets: http://aym-sheffield.eventbrite.co.uk/

Tuesday 10th November “Save Our Steel” Rally Church Square Scunthorpe DN156NL 12 noon. Speeches and a march to North Lincolnshire Council Offices. (This is to pressure the Tory Council into a rate reduction for the local steelworks) Saturday 21 November “Save Our Steel” Rally Sheffield City Hall 2pm – 5pm Families will be welcome at the event, which is aimed to celebrate our steel and metal industry and send a strong message to the government to ‘Save Our Steel’. There will be speakers, music and face painting for the children. Irwin Mitchell Oval Hall, City Hall, Sheffield S1 2JAFacebook https://www.facebook.com/events/191297224537434/ 

Wednesday  25 November Protest re Government Spending Review.

Osborne’s proposals will spell out further attacks on vulnerable and working people and further cuts to public sector services, council budgets and jobs. A 5pm rally outside the Town Hall is planned possibly preceded by a short demonstration (details to follow). Organised by Sheffield Peoples Assembly 

Wednesday 9th December. Evening of Socialist Music. 7.30pm Trades and Labour Club Duke Street. UNITE Brass Band; Sheffield Socialist Choir; Luke Goss. Entrance fee £6 & £4 conc available on the door or send cheque payable to “Sheffield Trade Union Council” and S.A.E. to Concert Tickets c/o 59 Meersbrook Road Sheffield S8 9HU Children welcome!