Diary of Events 30th March 2016

Friday 1st April 5.30pm “Kill the Housing and Planning Bill” rally

Clive Betts MP and other Labour and Trade Union speakers. This Government’s response to the housing crisis is to try and destroy social housing. Organised by Sheffield Defend Council Housing and Sheffield TUC. Flyer attached

1st April Housing Rally Poster


Saturday 9th April GMB Greenco protest rally, Blackstock Road site

Called to mark 20 Months since this company began their bullying and abuse of GMB members and this service. Our sacked reps and staff will be speaking along with guests from across the Trade Union movement. Assemble 1100hrs outside Horse and Groom Pub, Blackstock Road S14 1JE


Saturday 9th April   “Northern Powerhouse or Northern Poorhouse?”

John McDonnell MP and Mark Serwotka PCS Gen Sec confirmed. March and rally. Assemble Devonshire Green 12 noon for short city centre march to rally at City Hall steps, Barkers Pool 1pm. PCS Civil Service jobs threatened, including BIS “Northern Powrerhouse” jobs to move to London! Speakers also on steel closures, council job losses etc. BRING YOUR BANNERS! Flyer attached.

9th Aoril Northern Powerhouse Leaflet


 Saturday 9th April    National Stop G4S Campaign Meeting

10.30 – 5.00 Quaker Meeting House 10 St James Street Sheffield S1 2EW

Louise Haigh (Sheffield Heeley MP), John Burgess (Unison), John Grayson (SYMAAG), Martin Mayer (UNITE Labour NEC member), Cllr Mick Bowman (Newcastle Council) Riya Hassan (Boycott National Committee

G4S is a serial human rights abuser, in the UK and across the world, including vulnerable people seeking asylum, people in youth protection, and Palestinian children held illegally in Israeli detention.

G4S Dayschool Sheffield 9 April


Saturday April 16th Food Sovereignty event, Fargate

Organised by Global Justice Movement.


Saturday April 16th National Peoples Assembly march in London. Coach transport available from Sheffield (watch this space for details)National Peoples Assembly March London 16th April


Saturday 23rd April. “Kill the Housing and Planning Bill” Public Meeting

1pm City centre venue tbc. Speakers include John Healey MP Shadow Communities Minister, Dr Glynn Robbins UNITE Housing Campaigner. Come and hear about what the Tories’ plans are for social housing. You won’t believe how bad this is! Flyer attached.

 housing and planning bill 23 April 2016


Thursday 28th April International Workers Memorial Day

Wreath laying ceremony and speeches outside Sheffield Town Hall. 1230hrs till 1315hrs. Opened by Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Denise Fox. Paul Blomfield MP invited. Please get your union branch to lay a wreath. BRING YOUR BANNERS Flyer attached

 STUC press release Workers Memorial Day


Sheffield TUC Weekend Political School.

Please note we had to cancel April dates due to clash with National Peoples Assembly march in London on 16th April. We are currently trying to confirm the new dates below so watch this space!

Friday evening, Saturday 0930-1730, Sunday 0930-1300

14th-15th May – Sheffield Trades and Labour Club

John McDonnell MP invited. Price £15 ( £5 concession for low pay and unemployed). N.B. These dates still to be confirmed!