diary of events 2nd October


1. Sunday 4th October TUC rally against Tory Party Conference, Manchester

Please join us (and tens of thousands of others!) in a massive street protest against Austerity – and especially the new attacks on Trade Union Rights! Organised by TUC. and supported by Peoples Assembly.

  1. Saturday 10th October “South Yorkshire Welcomes refugees” demonstration          South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG) (awaiting details)


  1. Monday 19th October Banner Theatre’s “Chicago – The Great Teachers Strike 2012″ 7.30pm Sheffield Trades and Labour Club, 200 Duke Street Sheffield S2 5QQ.  Organised by Sheffield Trade Union Council. Come and see Banner Theatre’s brand new production about the hugely important teachers’ strike in America against neo-liberal education policies. It’s also funny and has great music!! You can EITHER book tickets on-line using this eventrbrite link  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/banner-theatres-chicago-the-great-teachers-strike-tickets-18585865825

OR you can purchase tickets by post. Please send a stamped addressed envelope and your ticket order with a cheque to the correct value made payable to “Sheffield Trade Union Council” to me Martin Mayer, “Chicago Tickets” , 59 Meersbrook Road Sheffield S8 9HU. N.B. Tickets are still to be printed so please be patient. They will be sent out as soon as we have received them

  1. Wednesday 21st October  Find out more about TTIP with JOHN HILARY, Executive Director of War on Want. 7.30pm. Central United Reform Church, Norfolk Street Come and hear why the TTIP  US/EU trade deal is not in our interests –  and the proposed secretive court (ISDS Investor State Dispute Settlement) which would allow big businesses to sue states if corporate profits were threatened by Government policies. (Organised by Sheffield PSC http://www.sheffieldpsc.org.uk)
  2. Tuesday 27th October Sheffield TUC Delegate Meeting. Presentation on the Tories Anti-Union Bill and what it really means by Bill Adams Regional TUC Secretary. 7pm Trades and Labour Club, 200 Duke Street Sheffield S2 5QQ. Visitors are welcome – please sign in at the door. N.B. Use side entrance on Talbot Street


  1. Monday 2nd November TUC Lobby of Parliament “Kill the Bill!” We need a massive response to the Tories’ vicious anti-union new laws that will not only set undemocratic and unfair voting thresholds for strike action but will also introduce a wide range of measures designed to make strike activity illegal, undermine collective bargaining, cripple trade unions financially and stop us having a political voice. This matters to all of us – not just trade union members!!


  1. .Wednesday 9th December. Evening of Socialist Music. 7.30pm Trades and Labour Club Duke Street. UNITE Brass Band; Sheffield Socialist Choir; Luke Goss. Entrance fee to be decided – details will be posted later