- Friday 11th September “Defend Our Unions” public meeting
7pm Central United Reform Chapel, Chapel Walk
Speakers include Tosh McDonald (ASLEF President); Ian Hodson (BAFWU President); Rally against the Tories’ new anti-union Bill plus solidarity with Greek unions v austerity (includes live link-up with Greek trade unionist). Organised by Sheffield Trades Council and Unite the Resistance. Chair Martin Mayer (Sheffield TUC)
Monday 14th September Post-election meeting of Sheffield 4 Corbyn
7pm United Reformed Church, Norfolk Street S1 All supporters and activists welcome. Immediate response to results – if JC wins, how to ensure local support; if loses, how to keep supporters mobilised. Discussion of JC policy areas. AOB (please email items to sheffield4corbyn@gmail.com)
Wednesday 16th September “Can Jeremy Save the Labour Party?” 7pm United Reform Church Norfolk Street. Speakers Simon Hardy, Left Unity and Martin Mayer UNITE delegate to Labour NEC. Open Socialist Forum organised by Sheffield Left Unity
Saturday 19th September “Time to Act” National Climate Change Conference
10.30 for 1100-1700 one-day conference, Sheffield College (see flyer attached)
Organised by Campaign Against Climate Change Trade union Group (CACCTUG) and Sheffield Climate Action with support from Sheffield TUC. Prominent international speakers, report back from ITUC Climate Jobs Paris Conference (There are no jobs on a dead planet!); workshops etc. Louise Haigh MP to speak. £10/£5 conc See flyer attached
Sunday 20th September Sheffield 4 Corbyn PARTY! 3-7pm at Queens Social Club, Queens Road S2 4DG
Join other Jeremy Corbyn supporters and labour movement activists in celebrating our campaign and connecting with others to continue our momentum – whatever the result on 12th! Family-friendly event with speakers, good music, poetry, bar and buffet. £2 please book in advance at sheffield4corbyn.eventbrite.co.uk
Tuesday 22nd September Sheffield Trade Union Council Delegate Meeting
7pm Sheffield Trades and Labour Club (use entrance on Talbot Street S2 2TG)
Speakers include Stuart Crossthwaite with Zimbabwean trade unionists Marian and Victor seeking asylum in UK. This is a rare chance for British trade unionists to learn about trade unionists in Zimbabwe and understand better the system of asylum and what life’s like for refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Also Jenny Patient Sheffield Climate Alliance with report back from National Climate Change Conference Sheffield on 19th September. Martin Mayer will give brief report of TUC Congress. Visitors welcome – just register on the door please.
Sunday 4th October TUC rally against Tory Party Conference, Manchester
Please join us (and tens of thousands of others!) in a massive street protest against Austerity – and especially the new attacks on Trade Union Rights! Organised by TUC. and supported by Peoples Assembly. |
***Don’t forget to book your coach tickets! They can be bought online at http://sypeoplesassembly.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2071a16a49efe5bb9a5d9185f&id=a951c91e28&e=06fbfd9418 Coaches leave Paternoster Row 9am – return 1700 from Manchester
Monday 19th October Banner Theatre’s “Chicago – The Great Teachers Strike 2012”
7.30pm Sheffield Trades and Labour Club, 200 Duke Street Sheffield S2 5QQ. Organised by Sheffield Trade Union Council. Come and see Banner Theatre’s brand new production about the hugely important teachers’ strike in America against neo-liberal education policies. It’s also funny and has great music!! Tickets details and how to book will be announced shortly
Monday 2nd November TUC Lobby of Parliament “Kill the Bill!”
We need a massive response to the Tories’ vicious anti-union new laws that will not only set undemocratic and unfair voting thresholds for strike action but will also introduce a wide range of measures designed to make strike activity illegal, undermine collective bargaining, cripple trade unions financially and stop us having a political voice. This matters to all of us – not just trade union members!!
Wednesday 9th December. Evening of Socialist Music. 7.30pm Trades and Labour Club Duke Street. UNITE Brass Band; Sheffield Socialist Choir; Luke Goss. Entrance fee to be decided – details will be posted later