Saturday 1st July National Campaign Day against Tory austerity
Join with us to demand an end to Tory austerity and call for a Labour Government to lead this country. You can get coach travel to the big London demonstration organised by Peoples Assembly or join us for a local rally outside Town Hall Sheffield starting 1pm*
London – National Peoples Assembly march and rally
Not One Day More #ToriesOut National Demonstration
Assemble 12pm, Saturday 1 July 2017 BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA and then March to Parliament Square
For tickets on coach from Sheffield please email Carrie Hedderwick, Sheffield Peoples Assembly on
This event is also supported by Sheffield Trade Union Council which is contributing to coast of coach hire
UNITE members and their families can book free travel – go to
Sheffield – Lunchtime rally outside Town Hall (Note change of venue as Barkers Pool is being used for a dance festival. Also later start time 1pm*)
In support of Labour’s “national campaign day against the Tory’s continued programme of austerity”, Momentum and Young Labour Sheffield are hosting a rally at Barker’s Pool on July 1 starting at 1pm. There will also be speakers from Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise, Unite Community Union, Disabled People against the cuts etc. We’re hoping that Sheffield’s newest MP Jared O’Mara might also be able to join us. More info here:
This event is also supported by Sheffield Trade Union Council (we are currently seeking a speaker to represent Sheffield TUC)
Monday 3rd July “A Call for Unity…” Public Meeting
After Manchester, London Bridge and Finsbury Park Mosque attacks. How can we build together against fear, hate and racism? Chair; Martin mayer Sheffield TUC
7pm Central united Reform Church, Norfolk Street, Sheffield S1 2JB.
Called by Sheffield Stabd Up to Racism, MEND, CAGE and Sheffield Trade Union Council
Monday 3rd July 69th Birthday of Our NHS. Public Meeting “As the NHS enters its 70th year, what now? Post election special”
6.30pm for birthday cake then 7pm for speakers inc John Grayson researcher on privatisation of public services and John Puntis from Keep Our NHS Public
United Reform Church, Norfolk Street, Sheffield S1 2JB. Organised by Sheffield Save Our NHS
Wednesday 5th July 69th Birthday of Our NHS.
Let’s celebrate it in a National Day of Action across England; we know we also need to Defend Our NHS.
8am til 9.30pm Join Sheffield Save Our NHS outside Hallamshire Hospital with balloons, banners and birthday cards. “We will ask people to sign a big birthday card for NHS staff and hard cards to people entering the hospital. Join us if you can” says John Carlisle SSONHS.
Saturday 8th July Durham Miners Gala
This is biggest trade union event in Europe – and is likely to be bigger than ever this year with Jeremy Corbyn as keynote speaker! We regret we have not arranged transport but UNITE Community is laying on a coach for UNITE members dep 0730 Hallam Univeristy If you wish to attend, please contact Rose Ridley on either or 0113 2364838 to book your seat.