Sheffield TUC opposes Boris Johnson’s bid to shut down Parliamentary Democracy
Say NO to the Proroguing of Parliament; Sign the petition “Do Not Prorogue Parliament”:
We call on all trade unionists to stand together in opposition on Saturday 31st August outside Sheffield Town Hall
See details below – organised by Sheffield Labour Party
Defend Democracy: Stop the Parliamentary Shutdown
11am till 12 noon Outside Sheffield Town Hall
Saturday 31st August
Organised by Olivia Blake, Louise Haigh and Paul Blomfield
See Facebook event
Everyone who opposes Boris Johnson’s attempt to shut down Parliament should rally at the Town Hall in Sheffield at 11am this Saturday.
Johnson’s Government is attempting to prorogue Parliament on 12th September ahead of a Queen’s speech on 14th October in an attempt to prevent MPs passing legislation to avoid the UK leaving the EU without a deal. We will defend democracy and fight Johnson’s undemocratic plan to prorogue parliament to achieve a No Deal Brexit.
We invite all Sheffield residents who oppose a No Deal Brexit to join Labour and trade union members, and all other opposition parties, to come and protest with us this Saturday against Johnson’s parliamentary shut-down and against his No Deal Brexit plan.
Louise Haigh MP, Paul Blomfield MP, and Olivia Blake will be speaking.