Come to Sheffield May Day Saturday 4th May – All Welcome!


Organised by Sheffield TUC in collaboration with wider TU and labour movement. This will be the first properly organised May Day event in Sheffield for at least 20 years!

Assemble Devonshire Green 1pm then march through city centre to Barkers Pool

Rally on City Hall steps at 2pm. Keynote speaker Len McCluskey GS UNITE confirmed

Then events planned at DINA venue on Cambridge Street including panel debate on Labour’s alternative economic strategy led by Rebecca Long-Bailey Shadow Sec (to be confirmed) and an evening social, also at DINA, from 8pm with bands including Free Radicals (£5 entrance fee).

Bring you banners! Make your placards! Bring your family and friends!

Calling all trade union branches, Labour Party branches/CLPs, campaign organisations, socialists and anti-racists wherever you are! Come and celebrate our working class history, and shout out our vision for a better fairer future.

Make some noise – enjoy yourselves – experience unity and solidarity

YouthStrike4Climate supporters especially welcome!

Supporting organisations are welcome to have a stall in Barkers Pool. Please email for details


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