Better Buses South Yorkshire meeting

Better Buses South Yorkshire meetingWednesday 19th August at 6pm.  
With the South Yorkshire Bus Review now finalised, it’s time to step up the campaign for a better bus service. Years of privatisation and regulation have seen profits extracted to private shareholders whilst bus services have contracted and the service has fallen into interminable decline. It doesn’t have to be this way. The fact is we need a better, expanded bus service to get people out of their cars and help save our planet and the environment.
This meeting is open to the public to join.

A meeting has been set up on Zoom for Wednesday 19th August at 6pm.
Details are: ID 380 448 8734
Password: 111999
See below a message from Fran Postlethwaite, convenor of Yorks and humber Pensioners Convention who are organising the meeting
Hello all
Some of you will be aware that there was a very successful meeting held last Monday to bring together bus campaigners from across the UK to share experiences and discuss how we might be able to coordinate campaigning activities where useful.  I have attached the notes from the meeting to give you a flavour of the reports we heard at the meeting. Open link here:  Note of a Meeting of Public Transport Campaigners held 3rd August 2020 on the Zoom platform
I have also attached a copy of the manifesto for better buses produced in December 2019 by the Yorkshire and the Humber Pensioners Convention which has been supported by a wide range of organisations in our region and beyond. Transport Manifesto Final -Yorks and Humber Pensioners Convention
A Better Buses for West Yorkshire campaign has been operating for some time with the Yorkshire and the Humber TUC organising  meetings which have brought together a wide range of climate,  transport and community campaigners and trade unionists.  Together they have recently successfully put pressure on the 5 council leaders in West Yorkshire  who have now agreed to explore franchising of bus services in their region.
 The bus workshop at the recent Green New Deal event in South Yorkshire supported the idea of bringing together campaigners and activists in South Yorkshire in a similar way to discuss how we can campaign together across the region against threatened cuts in bus services and for moving towards greater public control.
A meeting has been set up on Zoom for Wednesday 19th August at 6pm.
Details are: ID 380 448 8734
Password: 111999
Martin Mayer (secretary of Sheffield TUC and a member of the Betts Bus Review) and Gareth Lewis (Yorks and the Humber TUC) will introduce the discussion and there will be plenty of opportunity to hear what campaigns have already taken place in the region as well as how we can work together to influence events.  I hope you are able to come along.  Please share this information with your own organisations and networks.
Yours in solidarity
Fran Postlethwaite (convenor, YHPC Transport group)