Please take note: affiliation to Sheffield Trade Council for 2020 is now due!
Affiliation form and invitation letter can be downloaded here: STUC affiliation letter 2020 Sheffield TUC affiliation form 2020
In order to process 2020 delegate cards in time for our 163rd AGM on Tuesday 25th February, I do need to receive forms at least a week before
Receipt of the form ( by email is good enough) is enough to ensure your delegates are registered – affiliation fee can follow later!
Please also do ask your branch to nominate for the Officer and Executive Committee positions. We went through 2019 with one Vice Chair position and Treasurer position unfilled. There are also vacant positions on the Executive Committee
(Officer and Exec Committee nomination form and list of current Officers and Exec members can be downloaded here: 2020 NOMINATION OF OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEList of currently elected Officers and Executive Committee members 2019
Many thanks for your immediate attention to this matter
Martin Mayer