“Unwelcome” the Tories in Birmingham on Sunday 2nd October – book coach seats now!




Coaches are going from Sheffield!

Sheffield TUC and Sheffield Peoples Assembly have teamed up again to deliver an easy to book system via Eventbrite – at very reasonable prices ( actually below cost price!).



Coaches leave for Birmingham from The Hubs, Paternoster Row at 9.30am and return about in Sheffield approx 7.30pm.
Coach ticket prices: £12.00 waged or £6.00 unwaged
Book online at Eventbrite (there is a booking charge on Eventbrite so the price is actually just over £13): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sheffield-transport-to-the-unwelcome-the-tories-demo-birmingham-sun-2-oct-2016-tickets-27642701063
Alternatively email sheffieldpeoplesassembly@gmail.com or call/text 07941 332993
At Teresa May’s first Tory Party Conference as Prime Minister we will be holding a mass demonstration to say we demand an alternative to ‘Austerity Britain’…
We will demand investment in public services, in infrastructure, and in decent jobs for all. An end to scapegoating of migrants which divides our communities and whips up racism. Join us and help make sure the demonstration is as big as possible.
Join us, in our tens of thousands, to demand change
Transport is being arranged from across the country: http://www.thepeoplesassembly.org.uk/brum_transport_16
Follow the link if you are attending both events and are seeking ACCOMMODATION: http://www.thepeoplesassembly.org.uk/accom
Coaches drop off point and pick up, Curzon Street, Birmingham, B4 7XG (City Park side).

Please see below information from UNITE the Union about the National Demonstration being held at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham on Sunday 2 October 2016.


UNITE is providing coach transport for UNITE members and their families: apply using the link https://goo.gl/forms/fYdHSZwJoZCllks73



People’s Assembly Demonstration

Join the People’s Assembly national demonstration at the Tory party conference, Birmingham – We are accepting bookings until 28 September 2016.

Assemble 11:30am at Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BD

The UK faces insecure employment, low pay, and a drive to privatise public services. There’s a growing housing crisis, the NHS is going through the biggest funding squeeze since its foundation, and the education system is overstretched. Local services have been shut down as huge budget cuts are forced on councils.

Big business, corporations and the richest are squirrelling away money in offshore tax havens, awarding themselves bonuses, while immigrants are blamed for problems they had no hand in creating. And everyone else is told to tighten their belts. This is ‘Austerity Britain’ under the Tory government.

There is an alternative – investment in public services, in infrastructure, and in decent jobs for all. As the Tory party descends on Birmingham to hold its annual conference the People’s Assembly will too, in tens of thousands, and demand the alternative to austerity.



The Coach is free for Unite Members and their families. Please  DON’T PHONE UNITE use the following link  https://goo.gl/forms/fYdHSZwJoZCllks73