Thursday 11th Feb Sheffield lunchtime rally and evening meeting

TUC WEEK OF ACTION 8‑14 Feb 2016 / The heartunions week of action celebrates the great work done by union reps and members in our workplaces and in society. We’re proud of our unions and reject the government’s attempts to damage them with the trade union bill.

Thursday 11th February – Reaching out to the public in our communities

Sheffield Trade Union Council is organising two events – and asks all trade union branches, shop stewards and members and supporting organisations to join us!

Lunchtime Rally and Stalls outside City Hall,

Barkers Pool starting at 1230hrs

Thursday 11th February


Steve Turner UNITE Assistant General Secretary

Louise Haigh MP Sheffield Heeley

Cllr Julie Dore Leader Sheffield Council (invited)

Jim Board UNISON Doncaster

Marion Lloyd PCS Sheffield and PCS Exec member

Peter Davies GMB Regional Organiser

Martin Mayer Secretary Sheffield Trade Union Council

Please also bring your own materials/table for a stall to advertise your union and its work

(please set up by 12 noon)



Evening “Defend Our Unions” Public Meeting

City Centre venue to be confirmed 7pm


Ian Hodson, President Bakers and Allied Food Workers Union

Rebecca Long-Bailey Labour MP

Tosh McDonald President ASLEF

 Bill Adams TUC Regional Secretary

Chair: Martin Mayer Sheffield TUC


Sheffield Trade Union Council  says “The right of workers to peacefully withdraw their labour is essential in a democratic society, recognised and upheld by the United Nations following the defeat of fascism in 1945. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) was set up as a formal UN body to enshrine these rights in law. Now  70 years later modern capitalism is trying to persuade us that trade unions are standing in the way of a successful economy. We reject that charge. Trade unions help to distribute wealth in a capitalist society. It is all too clear that the decline in collective bargaining in UK has led to Britain becoming the most unequal country in Europe as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. We are not the “problem” – we are part of the solution.”

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