Next Sheffield TUC CV19 Council of Action meeting will be a zoom call on Tuesday 9th june at 7pm. The main topic will be Testign and Tracing with a disucssion about the Sheffield neighborhoud contact tracign intiiative. We have invited Greg fell director of Public Health Sheffield to address the meeting and we do hope he will accept.

A message from Jack Czauderna on the Sheffield pilot for neighbourhood testing and tracing:  “You can access a copy of our interim evaluation report via our website.  A more detailed report will be published after the webinar.     Also see this link re data protection concerns with the Government’s national scheme

This is the article in the Daily Mirror on the parents protesting the reopening of schools. Thanks to Jen who was super active on this


Hi everyone, Thank you for working so hard to build the People’s Assembly, we really appreciate everything you are doing.

Priorities this week: The massive protests in the US over Floyd George and the response of President Trump is sparking solidarity protests everywhere. This week we have published our statement that should be shared.

Making Sense of the Crisis Please promote the Thursday night broadcast which will be completely different in format this week.

The youth take over –  is what it says! Young PA supporters have organised it themselves and will give voice to what is making young people angry.Here’s the event link to post on pages we perhaps haven’t thought about before.

Schools We need to keep up the pressure on by supporting the NEU position on  safe opening of schools in the run up to June 15th. Our ‘It’s Not The School Run’ event streamed at 8am on Monday was very successful.Please keep promoting the posters for printouts.

Newsletters These are so important in keeping in touch withour supporters.Do you use Mailchimp to send out your newsletters – would you like to ? Please get in touch as we are preparing a video tutorial and would like a group without mailchimp to use as  the demo.

We have added an automatic newsletter sign up to the top of the National Facebook page and the Manchester People’s Assembly page. And it works !! Again if you want to know how to do this get in touch. It means we can keep adding to our email lists while broadcasting digital meetings.

Don’t forget the ACTIVISTS SCHOOL on June 20th – get the date out there  – registration is opening shortly.

Lastly, please send us stories of what your group is up to so we can share with other local groups.



On Friday 5th we have organised a Black lives matters solidarity motorised cavalcade – which will assemble on Carslisle street S4 7LJ  ( the dead end running down to the Tescos on Spital hill) facing up the road away from tescos . We will decorate our cars with placards and flags and have a megaphone and drive around slowly round Burngreave- then through town and down to Sharrow. On Friday 5th June at 6pm we have organised an online Black Lives Matter protest rally. Join Zoom Meeting  Meeting ID: 852 5622 3417 Password: 433338

Speakers include; Rob Cotterril SADACCA and Sheffield BAMER Covid 19 action group, Amina Sharif MEND, Brian Richardson SUTR, Bev Thomas and Abdullah Mohammed. It will be chaired by Nadia Jama. Please share and like our  Facebook event and page

South Yorkshire Asbestos Support Group SARAG

Dear Friend, Welcome to the First Edition of the quarterly newsletter of Yorkshire and Humberside Asbestos Victim’s Support Group (SARAG), which you will find below.  We have started this newsletter to keep in touch, share some insights into our service and keep you up to date with asbestos related information and details of events.  We want this newsletter to be of value to you so please share your feedback and suggestions to help us improve. Within this edition you will find an introduction to our staff and their roles, a case study and useful information around events and activities.  There is the option to provide us with updated contact details on Page 6, along with details of how to provide a donation should you feel able to support our service.

Finally if you have a family member or friend that may be benefit from the information within our newsletter please share it with them. For even more news about us, please follow us on Twitter @SARAG53892706  Kind regards Angie Mulligan

Latin America: Crisis & Coronavirus’ meetings

This week in the series ‘Latin America: Crisis and Coronavirus’ Part of a programme of online meetings hosted by Sheffield Cuba Solidarity Campaign & Chile Solidarity Network If a meeting is full, join via live stream on our Facebook page: Sheffield Cuba Solidarity Campaign . Please see programme attached  Online school on Latin America

Also  “Documentary People on Strike (2020 / Eng & Esp sub) – A journey inside eleven labor struggles and its link with the Chilean rebellion in 2019 for Dignity:


Share this link to show the poster


Sheffield Climate Alliance <>

Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2020, 17:34

In this week’s newsletter, we invite you to join us in action, organising, learning & gaining skills.  Read on for more….


  • Recovery from Covid-19
    • Festival of Debate event  on How to Build back better: Thursday 4 June
    • ‘Organising around a just and sustainable recovery’ – Wednesday 10 June
  • Kick fossil fuels out of South Yorkshire’ Pension: Email lobbying action
  • How to lobby your local councillor, regional mayor or MP – Tuesday 16 June
  • Other climate events


Just and sustainable recovery

Festival of Debate: How to Build Back Better
Tomorrow, Thursday 4 June at 7pm on Facebook Live and YouTube

Post-Covid-19, Sheffield’s economy needs a rebuild. But on what terms? With Kate Pickett (co-author of ‘The Spirit Level), Michael Jacobs (Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute) Natalie Bennett (Green Party).  Felix Kumi-Ampofo will be responding on behalf of Sheffield City Region.

Organising around a just and sustainable recovery
Wednesday 10 June 6pm-8pm. Details of zoom meeting will be sent to those who book.

Increasing numbers of people are backing the idea of a recovery from Covid that is fair and sustainable. But how do we get there? Join us for a homegrown, interactive evening online in which we will survey current knowledge & campaigning options and formulate strategy.  We would like this to be as broad and inclusive as possible. To book in, please email with ‘Just Recovery 10 June’ in the subject line and we will send you the joining details.

Kick fossil fuels out of South Yorkshire’s Pension Fund

Email Lobbying Campaign: Deadline: Tuesday 11 June.

Divestment group SYFF! is asking  South Yorkshire residents to take part in a quick email action before June 11th. It’s particularly good if you are a South Yorkshire Pension Fund member (for example, if you work for any of Sheffield, Doncaster, Barnsley or Rotherham councils or are employed by a school but not as a teacher).
At the next meeting of the Pension Authority, on June 11, the Board (which may include one of your local councillors) will be asked to review and approve the Climate Change Policy. Although the revised policy talks about ‘tilting in favour of low-carbon assets’, it still has no targets or timeframe for decarbonizing. Without these, SYFF! Thinks the policy is ineffective and lacks accountability.

You can visit the SYFF! blog on the SCA website  for a template email & the email addresses of all the members of the Pension Authority. Is one of them your local councillor?

How to lobby the politicians who represent YOU

SCA Monthly Meeting: Workshop from Hope for the Future
Tuesday 16 June 7pm- 8.15 pm. Booking via Eventbrite:

We are delighted that Hope for the Future will be delivering this special workshop at our next monthly meeting. Hope for the Future are specialists in training citizens to work effectively with their representatives on climate change. This workshop will cover how to lobby town councillors, the regional mayor, and MPs, including  potential policy asks and how to have effective conversations.

The workshop will be followed by a short meeting to discuss how to use what we have just learned.

Other Climate Events

Zero Carbon Yorkshire AGM
Today! Wednesday 3 June. 7-8.30 pm. Booking via Eventbrite here

An online ‘meet up’ including a short AGM via Zoom.
An opportunity for members to hear from ZCY about their activities and plans, and share their perspectives on how the pandemic and lockdown is affecting  climate activities, and hear views on how ZCY’s future role and actions.

Common Home, Common Ground Climate Webinars from Hope for the Future
Sign up via Eventbrite here
Webinars from Hope for the Future continue. This week: A Climate of Crisis: COVID, COP26 and Political Leadership on the Road to Recovery. Series continues until 17 July, exploring the role of families (15th-18 June) Youth (29th June-1st July) and Faith (13th-17th July).
Don’t worry if you’ve missed any of them, as they will also be available to play back later via the Hope for the Future You Tube channel

Cuba Confronts Changing Climate
Sunday 7 June, Film: 4:00pm; Q&A: 5:15pm
Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes – a film about how Cuba is defending itself from climate change through reforestation, eco-tourism and sustainable farming, followed by Q&A with director Michael Chanon. More info here