Sheffield TUC’s ground-breaking initiative to take on a part-time Union organiser has made great progress. But our Organiser Jack Pearson is leaving us and we urgently need to find a replacement.
If you think you have the qualities required to fill this critically important role, please go to the following link to apply:
The Sheffield Union Organiser job is the result of a partnership agreement between Sheffield Trade Union Council and the Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU). Following discussions between BFAWU and Sheffield TUC it has been decided to make the role a full-time post, jointly funded between the two organisations. The rate of pay will be £10 per hour. Currently funding is being secured for a 12-month posting
The Union Organiser role for Sheffield came out of the Sheffield TUC’s SHEFFIELD NEEDS A PAY RISE! Campaign. It became obvious that we could do only so much as a conventional campaign, so we came to an agreement with BFAWU to take on a part-time organiser. Sheffield TUC raised £10,000 in donations from union branches, Labour Party and other organisations plus personal donations.
Jack Pearson was taken on and started work at the end of April. He has made important contact with workers in the low paid fast food industry including identifying and bringing together “worker leaders” in a number of outlets – this is the very important first stage in union organising.
We don’t want to lose that momentum, so we have to move quickly to find a replacement for Jack. That’s why we have set a deadline for applications of Friday 29th November
BFAWU have agreed to fund the post for the first 6 months. Sheffield TUC has agreed to fund the second 6 months for which we will need to raise £10,000. As some of the original £10,000 we raised has not been spent, we are confident we can raise this amount.
If your union branch or other organisation can make a donation, please make cheques payable to Sheffield Trade Union Council and send to Martin Mayer, The Secretary, Sheffield TUC c/o Trades and Labour Club, 200 Duke Street, Sheffield S2 5QQ. Alternatively you can pay by bacs:
Account name: Sheffield Trade Union Council account no: 59109499 sort code: 60-83-01 Ref: Union Organiser
If paying by bacs please notify us by email to