Please support the CACCTUG (Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Groups) National One-day Conference in Sheffield on Saturday 19th September.
The fight for a cleaner greener planet and an end to carbon gas emissions is part of the wider fight for a fairer freer future for all of us. Investing in green energy, insulation, public transport and zero emission council housing IS also the socialist programme of sustainable growth we need as an alternative to austerity and will create at least 1M good jobs in the process. Linking environmentalists, trade unionists and left of centre politics makes a formidable popular alliance committed to changing our society from the disasters of neo-liberalism – and saving our planet at the same time!
Sheffield is easy to get to; it only costs £10 waged/£5 unwaged; it’s open to all; and you’ll learn a lot!
Why not book your place now? Please see more details below and the flyer attached
Martin Mayer
UNITE delegate to CACCTUG
PS If you can’t go yourself, why not forward this to others?
N.B. this conference is supported by Sheffield Trade Union Council
Time to Act! National 1-day Conference in Sheffield
Divest from Fossil Fuels, Invest in Climate Jobs, Build the Climate Movement
Saturday, 19 September 2015
11.00 – 16.45, with registration from 10.30
Venue: Sheffield College, Granville Road, Sheffield S2 2RL
Registration fee £10, Concessions £5
In this crucial year for climate campaigning, help build a powerful climate movement.
Join us for this national conference organised by the Trade Union Group of Campaign Against Climate Change and Sheffield Climate Alliance.
– Hear a reportback from the major international conference in Paris called by the One Million Climate Jobs campaign and the International TUC.
– Speakers and workshops on the connections between Divestment from Fossil Fuels and Investment in Climate Jobs to create warm, healthy homes, public transport with low fares, and renewable energy infrastructure.
– Build campaigns in the run-up to the United Nations COP21 climate change conference in Paris in December, on Divestment/Reinvestment and against Fracking.
Confirmed speakers include:
– Louise Haigh, MP for Sheffield Heeley
– Asad Rehman, International Campaigner of Friends of the Earth
– Suzanne Jeffery, Chair of Campaign against Climate Change
– Danielle Paffard of
Register at:
or go to:
See also the attached leaflet.
And please spread the word widely to friends, family, fellow union members and work colleagues, using the links below.
Hope to see you there!
The Conference Team
Twitter: @shefclimatenews