The Housing Crisis – showing of “Dispossesion” film and discussion

The Housing Crisis
And showing of the ground-breaking film “Dispossession”

Thursday 26th April 2018
7pm Trades and Labour Club,
200 Duke Street, Sheffield S2 5QQ
(doors open 6.45pm – lounge bar will be open)

Entrance £5 on the door – £3 concessions*
Introduction by Carrie Hedderwick, Sheffield People’s Assembly
And Mark Seddon Labour Party
Following the film there will be an opportunity to debate the film
and talk about the scandal of Britain’s Housing crisis

Britain’s housing market is broken. The cost of a house is now 10 times the annual income of the average family – 30 years ago it was 4 times. Council housing has been sold off and not replaced, and private sector rents have gone through the roof. Meanwhile rich speculators are buying up properties as an investment, driving up prices and private builders won’t build affordable housing because it doesn’t make them a profit.

*This price is unlikely to cover costs of film, room and projection. Further donations welcome

Organised and sponsored by Sheffield Trade Union Council
Front Door Letterbox, Trades and Labour Club, 200 Duke Street, Sheffield S2 5QQ